34: Family Dinner Gets Heated; Part 5

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~January 16th, 1986~

*Jane's POV*

'You can keep the book.' He pulled his hand back and stood up straight, walking right past me. 'It didn't have a happy ending.'

His words pierced my heart like a knife. When he was no longer in sight, I squeezed the book tightly against my chest in an attempt to stop the bleeding but it was no use. My tears flowed of their own accord.

And with that, the days continued. Drama about the Woods surprisingly came to a close as Randy Asher's birthday got near. Even when Jeffery passed down the halls there was rarely a whisper, just talk about what types of activities would be at the party. Every once in a blue moon Liu would come up in conversations but as soon as they started, they ended.

There were no more questions about Mr. and Mrs. Woods parenting and they went to work on every morning like usual. It was like nothing ever happened and some might want to believe it was all just a dream, me being one of them. However, I didn't have that luxury because there was two things of evidence that lingered, making it all too real.

Since that day me and Jeffery hadn't spoken a word to each other. We made eye contact twice but the look in his eyes were the second piece of evidence. The split second of hatred I see before he turns away from me. While everyone moves onto the next hot topic, I'm stuck here in my guilt.

"Jane, are you ready yet? It's rude to be late!" My mother called me from downstairs. Today was the day we celebrated Randy Asher's birthday. A lot of families were invited but mainly the ones who had connections to the parent's council and volunteer center. It doesn't sound like a lot but there were many stay at home moms in our town and those two groups were like their hobbies. So there was a lot of them.

"Almost ready!" I called back while I tied my shoe laces. I tried to talk my way out of it, I did. I even purposely failed my English test in hopes that they would ground me and forbid me from going but I should have expected what really happened.

'Oh Jane, It's alright, you'll do better next time! Maybe you've been overworking yourself?' Wait, what..? 'I'm sure you'll have fun at the Asher's party and will feel much better afterwords!'

My mother who grounded me for a week because I got a failing grade on my math practice quiz was letting me off for failing an actual test? I should have seen it coming but I did forget who Randy Asher's mother was. I felt a little stupid for getting a failing grade for nothing but I couldn't undo it. So I tried other things like faking I was sick.

That didn't work out too well either.

'Oh Jane, I'm sure you're just feeling overwhelmed because of that test. You're a smart girl, I'm sure you'll make up for it!' Damn me, myself, and I.

I tried forgetting to take out the trash, dropping one of my mom's favorite vases, handing in incomplete homework, spilling tomato juice on her favorite rug. I even tracked in mud throughout the house knowing she'd most definitely yell at me and make me clean it all up but to my surprise she actually reassured me it was alright and cleaned it herself!

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