8: The Game...

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*Present Time*
*Your Pov.*

"What's your game?" I asked as I went closer to the white wooden door.

"Open the door and I'll tell you." He chuckled and I mentally groaned and slapped myself. Of course he won't go that easy. With hesitant hands, I grabbed the door knob and unlocked it. Before I could think twice, it swung open to reveal a not so happy, smiling killer behind it.

I stood my ground, keeping a good distance but was also ready to fight back when I needed to. How so badly I wished my gun was in my hands right now. I could be seeing this sucker's dead corpse on the ground. The proud feeling racing through me at my amazing job, but no. I had to misplace it at the ONE time I truly needed it. The world is a very cruel place, indeed.

"Game. Now." I said as I gave him an aggravated look, though that only seemed to make him chuckle before his expression became dark and thoughtful. As if I were going to hate what he said next. And sure enough, I did;

"This game, Doll." He chuckled, darkly as he came closer, making me back up a bit. "It's pretty dangerous. Once you're in, you can't get out. You're stuck. One of us have to win in order for the game to end." He slowly and painfully walked over to me as if this were a horror movie. With each step he came closer, I took a step back.

"Go on." I said, just wanting to get this over with. He chuckled at my somewhat nervous posture. I mean, who wouldn't be when coming face to face with a famous and sneaky killer who is wanted in many states and can cover any fingerprints or any evidence of his DNA!? It's like he's magic! Also the fact he wants to play a dangerous 'game' is pretty nerve racking.

"This game I have in store is something you'll never forget." His words held somewhat of venom and his grin was darker and more intimidating. He took one more step closer and i took another step back. Though this time, I walked straight into the white wall, making the killer smirk.

I glared at him as I cursed the wall having to be there. he came closer and closer until finally he was right in front of me. He was only about 3 inches taller than me, making me seem shorter than normal or him taller than normal. He had to at least be 19 years of age. He didn't seem that old and his reflexes were good. The fact he could get away with almost anything had to give you the good size about his age too.

"This little game, you have to deal with me. No cops or anyone else involved except you... And... Me." he put his left hand on the right side of my head, leaning it against the wall behind me and his right hand caressed my left cheekbone, sending shivers down my back at the cold, leathery feeling. "I guess we can call it... 'Personal Lock Down'."

"Okay." I said as I tried the best I can not to stutter. I glared at him as he smiled down at me, his body brushing against mine.

"You're a tough one." He chuckled. "I like a good challenge... You know why?" I shook my head slightly, not wanting his hand to run into my eye or anything as he caressed my cheekbone. "I like a good challenge because..." He moved his head to the side of my head and used his free hand that wasn't caressing my face to move the hair behind my ear. With that done, he whispered; "If I can break the so called challenge, I feel the adrenaline come. I succeeded and it shows how weak you really are."

I glared out the corner of my eye at him as he whispered in my ear and told me his evil little scheme. He thinks he's going to break me? I'd like to see him try. I'm a stone wall, I will win and when I do, his little game will be the waste of time and he won't be happy with the losers spot. He will not break me.

"Good luck with that." I chuckled, darkly. He came up from my ear and glared at me, his face being inches from mine. "Because you have met the wrong girl. If you wanted a break down, you should have gone to a cheerleading team, because this girl is a stone... Fucking... Wall." I growled and he did too;

"We'll see about that."

"Oh yes we will." I smirked. "By the way, how do I win?" I asked curiously, wanting a way to finish this faster. A smirk soon awoke on his face and he chuckled;

"Oh, well. If you can handle me without have a break down for a whole year, you win, Doll." I nodded at this before smiling and pushing him away.

"you have a deal, but remember." I warned as I held out my hand. "Tom is left out of this."

"Tom won't even be mentioned." He smiled evilly as he shook my hand, concealing the deal.

"The game starts tomorrow... After Tom leaves?" I asked and the killer shook his head.

"You have three months. When you turn 18, I'll be back." He ordered, taking a step back. "On your 18th birthday, I'll be back and that is where our year begins." I nodded in agreement. I get a whole three months to myself, no killer and no problems? Sounds great.

"You got yourself a deal."

Hey guys! Please take the reviews! It helps me with what you guys' are into for when I make my future stories! Thank you!

WARNING: Updates are not given a certain time, I will try to update when I can but I have a lot to do in life. I also want the book to be written the best I can.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask. :)

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-The Regretful...

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