24: Hidden Closet

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*Your Pov.*

*Present Time.*

        The morning light seeped through my eyelids and onto my (e/c) orbs. The sudden realization hit me and the darkness slowly disappeared. A small groan left my lips before I stretched out my legs and arms. However the warmth that surrounded me and my sore limbs was enough to get me to curl up again without any argument. I nuzzled my face into the somewhat soft pillows and pulled the blanket closer to my chest. It's warmth made my heart flutter and my mind go in a daze. I let out a soft sigh as I felt the sensation of sleep begin to come and take me away...

       However, life was not on my side.

        The cold air touched any skin that showed, went through any clothing thin enough that it could in less than a second. The sudden feeling put me in a mental state of shock, however, my body seemed to know what it was doing. I jumped up quickly and wrapped my arms around myself, looking with wide eyes, wondering where the Hell the sheets went. When I met eyes with the cause, let's just say I wasn't as happy as he seemed to be.

"Damn it! I'm freezing now! " I complained like a child to its mother. It wasn't very characteristic of me, however I was in no mood to be playing games when it came to being tired and warm, especially when it's really cold out.

"It's time to get up! Don't rot away because you had to leave home!" The smug boy taunted. With a slight growl, I unconsciously grabbed a pillow from behind my head and threw it as hard as I could at him. Although, before it could hit him, he was already on the other side of the door. "Aw, too bad Doll! Better luck next time! Hurry up, it's time for breakfast!"

"Cocky bastard." I muttered under my breath. I took my glare away from the door and focused it back on my surroundings. I was in the same room as last night. The single window was inviting the outside light inside. It was a kind welcome to the new day. With a small smile, I stood up and stretched my arms out high. I took a big yawn before recalling everything that's happen thus far.

        I'm surprised I was able to fall asleep last night and that I actually feel quite well rested. It's a strange thought but for some reason it feels refreshing compared to what's happened. It kind of makes me want to do something. To be able to go for a walk and explore the new, unfamiliar surrounding. However, I don't know if I can get away with it.

        I began my journey to the kitchen where I found Jeff sitting at the dinging room table. Two places were set. Two bowels of cereal were read to eat with two bottles of water at their side. Jeff had his back to me and was already eating his portion while rummaging through a few random books. The content of them looked quite old and there were places where dust still remained.

        I carefully approached and took my seat at the table. The boy looked up and met eyes with me and slightly tilted his head from one side and then to the other before smiling creepily. This made me quite uncomfortable but I pushed my small fears to the side. He isn't allowed to kill me due to our bet but he is allowed to scare me if he wishes. I was readying myself if anything were to happen, however, all he did was pass me one of the old books and began to explain.

"I saw these books in a small closet in the living room. It was hidden by a bookshelf so I decided to investigate and see if there was anything interesting back there but all I found were a bunch of books and quite a few game boards." He pointed to the book that I was now looking through before continuing. "That one is a mystery and has some gore. I figured if you watched some fucked up movies that you'd enjoy reading that." Jeff shrugged before looking back at the book he was still searching.

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