21: Get Out Alive...

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*Your Pov.*

*Present Time*

My eyes became wider as my breath is caught in my throat, every muscle in my body becoming stiff. Tears stung my eyes as my gaze focused on the barrel at hand. I know this would be the end and for some reason, I didn't move. I didn't move out of the way. I was frozen. It was all happening clearly and felt like an eternity, like everything was in slow motion and because of this I was focusing on the rising action, not on the risk at hand. Although one thing was thought through clearly before my eyes instinctively squeezed shut as the loud shot rang in the air; Don't let Jeff near Tom.

Pain shot through my skull and my head pounded with horrible pressure. Tears slipping through my tightly shut eyes as a scream left my lips. I could feel blood stain my forehead as it leaked down the left side, across my temple and towards my ear. My left shoulder was in searing pain but not as bad as my head was. The cold surface of the floor reached the left side of my waist, my shirt being short and riding up. I knew my elbow had taken quite the blow from the searing pain I felt when it slammed onto the tile floor like my shoulder did. Grinding my teeth together, I noticed a warm arm around me, as well as my face feeling warm air being blown onto it.

Opening my eyes, I come face to face with Jeff as he is looking at my forehead, scanning the wounded area which I thought the bullet had strike. Shouldn't I be dead then? Why am I not dead? Confusion fuels me as I furrowed my eyebrows and sat up a bit, using my right hand to support myself. I could feel the crimson liquid begin to slip down my forehead and into my eyebrows, some getting in my eyes.

"Why a-am I not d-dead?" I asked in a shaky whisper. Jeff's gaze lands on mine as his goes from focused to dark. I knew my question had set this off but I couldn't help but ask. "Why am I-I bleeding?" I was beyond confused and my head and left arm hurting didn't really help the scenario. Jeff glared deeply into my (e/c) orbs before a growl left his lips.

"You're not going to die on my watch." Jeff growled before he looked over his shoulder at the window. His gaze scanning the tall trees before it focuses back onto me. "We have to go. Now." He orders, not giving me enough time to react before standing up and pulling me with him. I hiss as I try to step on my left leg but a sharp pain shoots through it, making me quickly look at it. And of course what I see is a decent size piece of glass is jabbed right below my knee, making it harder to walk with the injured joint.

"God damn it." I curse as a cringed. This wasn't going to be very fun. Seeing my troubles, a growl leaves Jeff's lips before he places his hi arms under my armpits and behind my knees, swiftly lifting me up. A gasp leaves my lips as he picks me up and my automatic reaction was to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Whoever that fucker is is going to pay." Jeff threatens under his breath as he quickly makes way through the kitchen doorway and into the small hall that lines for the living room and front door. Taking a sharp right, he heads for the front door, making sure to not hit my head on the corner as he turned, or the wall in general, making me happy for my head was killing me enough. My face buried into his chest as I squeezed my eyes shut, not really understanding what the Hell was happening.

I could feel the cool air as Jeff ripped open the door and ran out, not bothering to close it behind him as he made a direct goal to get to the car. Peeking over his shoulder, I looked into the woods but it was still to dark. You would think that with it being daytime that the woods would be light, but these woulds were covered in trees, creating too many shadows. I looked over at the car, then a thought rang in my head.

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