14: A Walking Death Wish...

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*Your Pov*
*One Week later*

"You know, you're quite a cutie." The cashier winked at me. I won't lie, he sure was a hottie. Brown hair blue eyes with a goofy smile. I found it adorable, but by my recent experience, I have to have him back off.

"Really sweet kid, but I warn you, you can't flirt with me. You'll only get hurt." I said as I took my smoothie from him.

"A player I see." He smirked and I shook my head.

"Definitely not that. I've come across those, I'm good." I said, taking a sip of my smoothie. It was a Friday, around 10 am. I really wanted to go out and just breathe because the rain had finally stopped on Wednesday.

"Over protective father?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Not a dad-" I stopped myself and looked off to the side as I suddenly felt that weird feeling again. "He's watching..." I whispered to myself.

"Who's watching?" I quickly looked up at the cashier to see his eyes full of confusion and slight worry.

"Nothing!" I quickly said, remembering what the killer had told me. This little game, you have to deal with me. No cops or anyone else involved except you... And... Me. "I have to go!" I said quickly as I handed him my money. "Keep the change." I quickly dashed out of the small smoothie store with the stranger calling after me.

'Personal Lock Down'

It was a little chilly out but I couldn't think of that right now. My heart was pounding i my chest and I was pretty sure that where ever that killer was, he could hear it. I knew he was around here some where. That feeling only comes when I know he's around. I glanced around a bit as I used my free hand to hitch up my hood.

I hate that he's been around. No, I haven't really seen him around but I just have a gut feeling that it's him. His presents reeks of danger and insanity. I didn't feel safe at all, in fact this feeling made me quite sick. I switched my cup into my other hand and used my now cold hand to press against my forehead.

Just calm down (Name), you're over exaggerating. It's probably a cold or something and your stomach isn't so keen about it. In fact, my forehead is warm. I'm just a little sick! It will all pass and I'll be great! In fact, he's probably forgotten all about me. I'm probably the last thing on his psychotic mind right now!

I smiled to myself reassuringly and used my hand to pull my hood down, allowing people to see me. My thoughts were right, I need to relax and forget about it. I'm the last thing on his- Across the street was a shadowy alley way but that didn't hide the smile that has been haunting my nightmares for the passed two months. Those un-blinkable eyes glared straight at me as our eyes met.

He's still here, still after me. He didn't forget, he won't forget. What if I lose this 'bet' and Tom dies because of it. What if- I shut my mind off of those possibilities as a gasp escaped my lips and I looked forward, my pace increasing.

"Ignore him, Ignore him, ignore him..." I told myself over and over but I could still feel his cold stare on my back. I knew he saw me talk to that man and I know he didn't like it... "I'm so sorry." I whispered.

I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to stop it. I'm not allowed to call the cops, allowed to tell anyone, I can't do a dam thing because of what he can do. I know he's smarter than me. He has to be in order to escape all these fucking murders with no trace left behind! I'm sorry I am weak and have no utter clue how to save you! I'm so sorry that I couldn't warn you! I'm sorry!

I rushed over to the parking lot a few buildings over and quickly found my car. Wasting no time, I jumped in and locked myself inside. I started up the car as my heart pounded inside my chest, knowing that the poor cashier inside that smoothie shop would be the next big thing on the news. The next thing that this killer leaves behind.

Tears weld up in my eyes as I pulled out of the parking lot and started down the road.

I am a horrible human being. I know what will happen when I leave the house and a someone flirts with me. I am able to chat and associate with those who are just nice and not looking for anything big from me but the second someone looks at me that way, calls me beautiful, flirts or checks me out, they're rotting corpse will be shown on the news.

Tears slipped down my cheeks one by one and I came to a stop at a red light. My head was spinning and chest was aching. I was only bringing people harm. I was only bringing hell to this small town.

I am like a little target navigator for that man. I walk around town only to basically help him find new victims whom will suffer a horrible death. A death so horrid that it makes people disgusted and fearful of living in a place that used to be so friendly and loving. Where everyone smiled and waved to each other. A place I called home and would run around all the time as a kid.

Uncle Tom and I would meet new people, friends. Smiles would be passed on and on and laughs would be exchanged. But all the happiness was replaced with hatred towards this killer…

He was destroying this town one person at a time and I'm basically just the help…

I'm a walking death wish...


Wow, I couldn't help but wonder how this story is affecting you guys. It's kinds of sad so far huh? Yikes, this is pretty bad.

Don't worry the story is not going to be just all of this. You running and him coming to look for you.

It's a slow beginning but I'm just allowing you to get to know the character that you are playing and the people around you so that you are more affected to when things happen. I'm trying to get you guys to be involved as much as I can!

So tell me what you guys think! :)

Have a wonderful day! :)

-The Regretful.

Hey guys! Please take the reviews! It helps me with what you guys' are into for when I make my future stories! Thank you!

WARNING: Updates are not given a certain time, I will try to update when I can but I have a lot to do in life. I also want the book to be written the best I can.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask. :)

Also comment what you liked about the chapter!

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 *Thanks guys! Love you!*

-The Regretful...

*What's your favorite book of mine?
Read my other Creepypasta Fan-fictions:
*Personal Lock Down (Jeff The Killer X Reader) ~Creepypasta
*Dark Lullabies-Creepypasta (Eyeless Jack)
*Broken in Shock-Creepypasta (Masky)
And Also:
*Creepypasta X Reader -One Shot- (Creepypasta)

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