22: Unconsciencly Spoken

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*Your Pov.*

*Present Time*

The bright moon shined down on the thousands of trees that surrounded the area. The howling winds that rustled the branches, blowing leaves, some falling from their home and following where the wind takes them. The dead leaves that were on the dirt and root covered ground blowing wherever the pressure of the air switched to. The feeling of the woods gave off an eerie yet beautiful vibe. Although something was wrong.

I wrapped my bare arms tightly around me, moving my hands up and down them to try and get some warmth yet it was no use. The cold night air sent shivers down my spine, yet the feeling of being watched didn't make it any better. Frowning, I lifted my arms a little out to my sides as I looked down to see my attire, knowing that my body would feel too much of the breeze, especially my legs. Yet how far my eyes mouth opened didn't match the pure shock I felt deep inside my chest.

I wore a beautiful, long, white dress that reached to the floor, although the length was longer in the back, dragging a foot behind me. It had three layers, all a little higher than the last. I grabbed both sides of the dress and lifted it up a bit to see my feet completely bare, feeling the crunchy, old leaves beneath my (S/C) pads. The wind blew a little stronger this time, letting me feel something tug a bit at my head. Confused, I grabbed at the top of my head, feeling something clipped into my hair. I followed the fabric attached to the clips until I could grab a good enough hold on it and bring some of it over so I could see it over my shoulder. There in my hand was a thin, see through, white veil. It tugged back in the wind, showing me that it was at least a couple feet long. I furrowed my eyebrows as I noticed my hair. Grabbing a few strands from each side, I look and notice that it was in (Fancy hair style).

I took my gaze from my attire and allowed my confused and curious orbs to wonder the dark woods. Shadows danced around the trees, help from the wind and moon. The rustling of the leaves being too loud you wouldn't be able to her another's foot steps unless an old stick snapped right from behind. I began to walk through the woods once more, trying to see if I could find a way out. Maybe Tom was pranking me? Yet he wouldn't do something this awful. That and he wouldn't have changed me. He has much more respect for me than that. He wouldn't even hire a female to do so, knowing how much I love my privacy and self respect.

I placed my hands on the trees closest to me, trying to help me walk carefully through these woods so that I wouldn't step on anything and hurt myself. That's about the last thing I needed. I continued in this one direction for a while, allowing my mind to wonder all the things that could have happened, of why I was out here wearing what seemed to be a wedding dress. Soon enough, an exit from the woods came to view and a smile graced my lips.

Finally, I could see where I was.

I quickened my pace and made my way to the end of the forest, although what came to view didn't make me very happy. Right before my eyes was a cliff, that if I slipped, I would most likely fall what seemed to be one hundred feet to my own death. Giving off an aggregated sigh, I turn around only to be met by a lean man who stood in the shadows of the trees. I tilted my head to the right a bit before questioning.

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