15: Spinning Doll...

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*Your Pov.*
*18th Birthday*

"Happy birthday to me... Happy birthday to me..." I drove down the road, on my way to a pretty known club in town. My mind was full of the hard 3 months I have been going through. I was just tired of it and I only had one night left until I was bombarded by that psycho killer. I just wanted to have a few drinks and dance the night away before entering the hell zone for the next year.

Now I know, I know. I am under the age of 21, I can't drink! Well believe it or not, the whole killer thing has gotten the cops really busy and everyone is too focused on him to care what the rest of us do. So it doesn't matter. Best part is that the people whom work at the club and own it are encouraging the young to drink because it gets them more money. So why not I enjoy myself before I have to open my eyes to the devil himself.

I turned on my signal to show those on the road I was going right -where the complex of the club was it. I turned in and roamed the parking lot for a space and lucky for me, a spot was opened right in the front. I looked ahead as I saw someone was going to take it by turning in illegally, but just because I'm a downright bitch right now who don't give two shits, I pressed my gas pedal and raced to the parking spot. I hit my brakes as I skid into it, almost hitting the other car. Looking in my rear view mirror, I saw the guy honking as he cursed me out and flipped me off before going to find a new place to park.

I slightly smirked to myself as I got out of the car. I closed my door shut and locked the vehicle before heading up to the tall doors where I gave them my ID and 10 bucks to enter. He examined my identification before nodding and moving the red rope to let me inside. I smiled and took my ID back before heading inside. I walked along this small hallway that had pure silver, smooth, shiny walls and red carpeting. I could already smell the alcohol and sweating bodies just from the beginning.

It made me feel a bit yucky as to the fact that I would take this low a level to let go of my stress but hey, I was fine earlier. I was feeling okay to turn 18 and was just going to go out and to the movies and maybe get ice-cream but no. What happened was Uncle Tom called to wish me a happy birthday and that's when it all came crashing down. He couldn't even talk for long because he was called in for work. So why not take my depression out on the bar was the first suggestion that popped into my head and I was too upset to think of any alternatives.

When I entered the huge room where the song (www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQJiQr7F...) boomed through the speakers. People were spread out around the room... Well you can't really say spread because there was pretty much no space. Between the seemingly of hundreds of people who were on the dance floor, drinking at tables, hidden in the corners for inappropriate reasons and so much more!

It reeked and was extremely loud. I was beginning to second think this before someone ran into me. I gasped but they just continued their way on as they held their white hoodie over their head. I glared at them before snapping my head to the bar. I sighed as I made my way over there, wanting nothing more than just to drink my sorrows away. I have been told you should never do that but I'm not going to be getting drunk, only just a small buzz that will make my feel like I'm on cloud nine once more. That's all I needed. With a small smile, I sat on a stool and placed my purse in my lap after crossing my legs. A guy with brown hair and green eyes smirked as he made his way over to me.

"What can I get you for, beautiful?" He purred at the small compliment. I slightly cringed at the his tone which was full of flirting goods. Memories of Jeff flashed through my mind, recalling his little letter he had wrote especially for me.


Well, I'll be keeping an eye on you, troublemaker. Don't get yourself hurt or this game won't be so fun my little toy~

 I suggest you don't make any friends like Tom would like you to do. You're mine! Don't you forget that. My property! My object! Mine!

~End Of Memory~

I cringed once more but soon shook it off. I sighed as I hoped to god he wasn't here tonight, watching me like the little freak he is. I hated being watched every second, part reason I always got expelled from school. So you wanna know what killer? I'm going to play this game like I did back then, by my own rules. I smirked as I looked up at the bar tender. He looked to be around his early twenties.

"I would just love a shot of Vodka please~" I batted my eyes lightly as my lips stayed with a curve on the right side.

"Coming right up!" He sent me a wink before rushing off to get me my order. I felt a pari of eyes on me and it wasn't a good feeling. I furrowed my eyebrows before turning to catch the gaze of someone else. I glanced around but saw no one. I continued to scan the crowd before a voice made me jump a bit in my chair.

"Here you go!" I turned to the bar tender as he handed me my drink.

"Thank you~" I smiled gently, forgetting the cold gaze that was somewhere in this room, but I wish I hadn't. I took the shot glass and chucked the liquid down my throat, earning a burning feeling but I didn't care. It felt exciting and a bit adventurous. I set the small glass down before nodding at him. "Another." He chuckled before pouring me more. In seconds that was gone too. It felt great! I could feel the excitement pushing away the darkness that has set in my life for the last three months.

I placed the glass down again with another nod and he got the hint. He poured some more, watching me with some amusement but I didn't give two shits. I took the shot and felt the burning sensation once more. I grinned as I swallowed it down and harshly placed the glass down on the table, slapping the flat surface with my free hand right after.

"Woo!" I squealed. "Totally just... Everything... Gone!" I giggled in amazement before pointing at my cup. "Hit me again, Tiger!"

"You're a special one." The man chuckled before pouring another glass.

"What do you mean?" You asked before taking the drink in your hand. You left it on the counter though.

"Most girls who come in here are depressed, hormonal, and are getting a buzz so they tend to flirt and say 'babe' to get rid of the void, Tiger was a new one for me. You're not a flirt?" I shrugged before smirking up at him.

"I'm me, Tiger." I sent him a wink before chucking my head back and taking the shot quickly. I cringed at the feeling of the drink siding down my throat, stinting as much as it could before giving the bar tender a sour look. "That one was a bit rude..." I muttered, placing the glass down.

"Want another one?" The man smirked at me once more before I nodded quickly.

"Yes please!" He chuckled before pouring me another one. I quickly took that one too. I was a bit dizzy but I still knew what was wrong versus right. I could tell wether I was in trouble or not. That's whe I stopped him from giving me another one. "I had maybe one too many." I giggled, pushing the glass away. The man chuckled before nodding.

"Hey, I'm going to be getting off in a little bit, I'll find you on the dance floor when I do. Save me a dance?" He sent a wink my way and I blushed a bit before standing up. I stumbled a bit but soon got back into the mood and looked at the cute tender. I blushed more as he grinned at my form. I was about to reject him before I felt someone watching me come back. I growled at the past three months before smiling gracefully up at the boy.

"Yeah, will do." I nodded. He gave a breathy laugh before waving me off and tending to three men. I walked over to the dance floor, my head feeling like it was on a cloud or I had just spun on one of those crazy spinning things at the parks. I knew dancing would only help that dizzy motion, so that's exactly what I did. I got out onto that crowded floor and danced my aching heart out, wanting nothing more than a release to heaven. I wanted to ignore reality, show that my heart still beats and life is still worth it, because it was.

Dancing: giphy

I smiled as I let my hips take motion and my mind wonder off. My head felt sane as my body felt light. I didn't know the difference between reality and a fantasy right now. I know I am here and that I am getting everything off my back but in all honesty, it felt so unreal. It was as if I awoke from a nightmare... Or was I just escaping reality?

Could I be asleep right now in my own bed and everything is fine? Did I dream about the whole thing? Was this really happening? Was this real and the killer fake? Was I hallucinating? Dizziness always made me question myself and everything around me, from what is real to what is all just a figment of my imagination.

I had no clue what I was doing, I just let myself go and enjoyed the ride that gave me a welcoming spin. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as the motion swiftly moved me to the beat of the music, my body swaying as my hips took the lead. My eyes fluttering from the wonderful spinning. My hands raked through my hair gracefully as my head swayed from side to side. Sometimes it would tilt back just to feel that odd sensation of dizziness that always brought me right back to grinning. It was an addiction.

I felt some rough bodies connect with mine but nothing sexual, thank the lords. They seemed to just want to run away as well. Run away from this world and into another, another that is filled with spinning rooms and happiness, another that won't break us apart, another that won't have 'him' in it.

I was quite out of my mind that moment, but I wasn't too far gone too notice someone wrap their rough hand around my wrist spinning me around and yank me into into their chest and off the dance floor. I let out a surprised shriek, trying to claw at the person's hand, looking to see who is was but he was behind me. I struggled in their grasp as they stole me away to one of the dark corners of the club. I fought the best I could and the person chuckled darkly in my ear before spinning me around to face them.

"Hello, Doll."


And I will leave you to your thoughts~

*Smirks Evilly*

Enjoy, Darlings~

Please tell me what you think! I was a bit nervous about this chapter!

Have a wonderful day! :)

-The Regretful.

Hey guys! Please take the reviews! It helps me with what you guys' are into for when I make my future stories! Thank you!

WARNING: Updates are not given a certain time, I will try to update when I can but I have a lot to do in life. I also want the book to be written the best I can.

Any questions? Don't hesitate to ask. :)

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-The Regretful...

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Read my other Creepypasta Fan-fictions:
*Personal Lock Down (Jeff The Killer X Reader) ~Creepypasta
*Dark Lullabies-Creepypasta (Eyeless Jack)
*Broken in Shock-Creepypasta (Masky)
And Also:
*Creepypasta X Reader -One Shot- (Creepypasta)

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