50: Forgotten

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*12 Years Ago*

*Narrator's POV*

Where there was enough light to see the path, the shadows casted from the trees brought fear into the little girl's heart. She'd been running for what felt like forever. Part of her wanted to turn back but another part of her didn't want to return to that awful house filled with screaming adults. It scared her; the loud voices, the disappointed looks of those who were supposed to love her. She hated it, she hated it so much that even these shadows and this unknown place felt more comforting.

However, she didn't know where she was going. Part of her felt she was going in circles and she was afraid that she would end up back at that house. She needed to go the opposite way, but which way was that? On the verge of tears, the little girl lit up when she saw a giant boulder. It seemed so tall compared to her.

If she were to get on top of it, she might be able to see where she needs to go next. With that small hope in mind, she took off towards the boulder and did her best to climb it. In the process, she scratched up her hands and knees and it took so long to reach the top, having to retry again and again but eventually, she succeeded and looked over what she could. Looking around she could see all of the trees around her but there were no end to them. They stretched out far and wide with nothing else in sight. She was truly lost.

Sighing, she was ready to climb down and keep doing straight but the moment her eyes met the floor, her body shuddered at the sight. The rock was four times her size but she didn't realize the drop would be so high. She believed it to be scarier than being on top of the jungle gym at school. With shaky legs she took a small step back away from the edge, her heart pounding hard in her tiny chest. But with shaking legs, she wasn't able to get back the foot hold she had and slipped, tumbling to the ground.

Bracing for impact, she held her eyes shut, tears bursting from the corners as she held her breath. However, the wind stopped and instead the cold, hard impact of the ground, she felt the warm embrace of another person. Their arms wrapped tightly around her as her face was buried in their chest. A nauseating smell of iron mixed with a calm, breezy cent enraptured her. For a moment she felt complete peace.

The once scary noises of nature were soothing to her ears as the embrace of this stranger filled her heart with warmth and put her mind at ease. And even though she'd love nothing more than to stay this way forever, that didn't change the fact that the touch of an unknown person was holding onto her to tightly. Snapping her eyelids open, she went to look up when a hand covered over her eyes.

Surprised by the sudden blindness, she tried to move their hand out of her field of vision and just as she thought she'd successfully did so, she heard a low chuckle as his hand moved from her face to her head. Ruffling her hair, he pushed her head down so she couldn't look up and quickly but swiftly he set her on the ground and stood up, turning away. Looking at his back, he wore black slacks, a pair of black and white tennis shoes and a white sweater with red marks decorating it all over.

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