35: Family Dinner Gets heated; Part 6

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~January 23rd, 1986~

*Jane's POV*

After the fire that put Jeffery Woods in the hospital, a week went by filled with remorse for the Asher family. Their upstairs bathroom and hallway was apparently destroyed by the flames and everyone fret over the distress that Mrs. Asher had to have been feeling.

"Such a shame. Have you seen their bathroom? It was gorgeous! Now..."

"I'm just thankful the Asher family is okay."

"What would Jennifer Asher do if it had been Randy? She would have been devastated."

"She must be feeling so stressed."

Another week in this small town of ours and nothing really had changed. Well, nothing that anyone had noticed at the time.

"Are you hearing these people, dear? Talking about a bathroom and how stressed Jennifer must be feeling when a mother is probably worried sick about whether or not her son will wake up. The nerve!" Ever since me and my mom had that talk a week ago, she'd been more supportive than ever. In fact, sometimes she could be a little too overbearing.

"Now now, my love. Our neighbors are just in routine, give them time." My father interjected, trying to calm my mother as he usually did and as she usually did, she went off harder.

"Does that make what they're saying right? Their bathroom was indeed beautiful and it would have been a tragedy if Randy had been put in the hospital, yes. However, that doesn't change the fact that a child did in fact end up in that hospital bed and no one is saying a word!" My mother snapped. "Imagine if it had been our precious Jane! I don't know what I'd do! I can't even begin to imagine what they must be going through."

Where most of what my mother said was spot on, it wasn't entirely true. There were murmurs about Jeffery here and there but they were small comments.

"That Woods boy, he was the only one caught in the fire, correct?"

"Call it family karma."

"Such a shame for him to have to pay for his brother's sins."

"Poor child. I'm so happy it wasn't worse."

They just weren't the nicest of things you can hear someone say.

"And did you hear what monstrosity Mrs. Webber had to say about this entire thing? She was more concerned about how stressed Jennifer Asher was! Can you believe it? A school nurse! The nerve!" That was pretty harsh coming from someone who vowed to do right by their students. "Also-"

And this has been the week after the incident at the Asher house. I don't really know for others since gossip for most makes time go by fairly fast but for me, it was the most excruciating week of my life. It felt like it would never end and no matter how busy I kept myself it never kept my mind off of him for long.

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