58: Happiness

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*Narrator's POV*

*Present Time*

The air was cold in the dark mountains. Nothing but creaky, old trees on both sides of the bumpy, winding road. The stars and moon barely shown through the thick layers of clouds that had been casted over the night sky. The very sky that had been clear of any blemishes the day before. It was as if the weather was playing games alongside fate.

One day, making a man believe he's living in a dream. Giving him the hope that maybe, just maybe, he could have it all. Everything he desired and more. Only to take all of those pretty thoughts of a fresh start, a beautiful life and drown them in a pit of despair by brining him back to his cold reality. He once again had to choose.

Did he want to spend the rest of his days running, until he was too tired to run any longer? Or did he want to finally put an end to the madness once and for all? He'd been asking himself that question for years. Constantly wavering back and forth on a crumbling bridge, weighing his options. However, no matter which side of the bridge he looked too, his focus was always brought back to the pitch black abyss beneath the decaying planks at his feet. A void that left a hole in his chest and a scar on his mind.

It was a reminder that he always had a choice but those choices would have consequences. And the black void was a heavy price he'd been paying for a very long time. Although he had grown numb to it at this point, there was something different about this time. Yes, this time, he had a dream. He had something he wanted more than anything, something he was willing to fight for instead of run from. It was something that made him feel once more. It gave him something he hadn't felt in a very very long time.


He had a reason to smile. Not just any smile but a real smile. One that he could not only feel in his cheeks but also in his heart. For the first time ever, he could feel that endless void finally being filled. He could feel himself healing. If this dream could become a reality, he would fight harder than anyone to make it just that. However, fate it a cruel thing.

Where his dream was indeed a reality, it wasn't his reality. Where his dream was within his grasp, it wasn't his to have. This dream could live, bear fruit, follow down a path filled with life, beauty, and love of all kinds. Yes, a lovely dream. But if he were to selfishly take that dream for himself, there would be a heavy price to pay. And in the end, his dream would be tainted by the darkness he'd created. However, that didn't change the fact that he still had a choice to make. And in the end, the once selfish man chose love over greed and he let his Dream go.

"(Y/n)..." A barely audible mumble came from the man's lips as he laid unconscious in the backseat of the moving vehicle. The green eyed man who took the wheel glanced into the rearview mirror to check his state of consciousness. Seeing that he had only been sleep talking, he turned his cold glare back onto the road. This was to be expected of a man who wanted nothing more than to avenge his loving parents' and little brother's deaths.

"It's going to be alright, Jeffery." Except for the one little thing didn't add up. "I'll put an end to your suffering soon enough." And that was the unsettling grin that tugged hard at both corners of his lips. There was something different about the man's demeanor, something sinister. Almost as if the righteous older brother wasn't the only one with an agenda tonight. "Then that's when the real fun begins."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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