38: Trigger Happy

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*Present Time*

*You're POV.*

All I could do was stare at the object in her hand, completely mortified by what she just asked of me. She wanted me to kill Jeff? I've had my fair share of trouble but to kill someone? I just figured out that I could never assist in a bank robbery and she wanted me to kill someone? Jane sighed deeply, I'm assuming due to the fact that from her point of view as a vengeful, dead chick, I was overthinking everything.

"Listen, all you need to be able to do this, is a motive. You have one." She said, pointing to the crumpled up piece of paper I'd just dropped. "All you need to do now is think about what you just learned, aim, and pull the trigger. It ain't rocket science so you don't need to worry your pretty little head."

I tried my best to suppress a glare but by her deepening smirk, I guess I didn't do well in hiding it after all. Looking at the gun held out in front of me, I recalled the moment in my kitchen at home when I'd been held at gun point. I was stricken with fear, I couldn't move. If Jeff hadn't saved me then, I would be dead right now. Now she wanted me to do to someone else that had been done to me?

My chest tightened from the thought of it. The fear of believing you're about to die, completely frozen, numb, mind racing. It was an awful feeling. I knew Jeff wasn't a good person but I don't think I could shoot him for it, could I?

"Oh come on, (Y/N)." Jane said lowly, almost like an aggravated growl while she grabbed my shirt by its collar, yanking me towards her, her face merely inches from mine. She pressed the handle of the gun hard against my stomach to the point it hurt. "He killed your parents, is keeping you chained to his side, and he's threatening the person you love most! Use your goddamn head! Or are you so fucking weak that you can't even save the person you claim to care bout?"

Her words were harsh and spoken in a rough tone. I felt her grip on my shirt tightened as she shoved the gun harder into my gut, causing me to wince. From the look in her eyes, I knew she was beyond angry, impatient. I also knew that no matter how psychotic this chick was, she was right. The person I care most about is in danger, not even aware that he should be protecting himself. Yet here I am, playing house with a crazy bastard, running from his psycho family.

The only thing I needed to do was keep myself together, not give up. If I could last a year in this situation, I could go home safely to Tom and Jeff would leave us alone. That was the deal. But there's this woman, offering me a way out. All I had to do was take a life for our freedom.

"Think real hard, (Y/N)... Your face is plastered all over the news, in may town papers, and your precious Tom is losing his mind trying to find you. You really want him to wait a year, thinking of all the horrible things that could have happened to his little girl?" That's right, Tom had to of known that I was missing.

He's been overprotective since my parents death and it only got worse after the night he saved me from my ex. The horrible things that must have been rushing through his mind... I couldn't imagine, I didn't want to imagine. I couldn't force him to wait a year, could I? Especially when an offer like this one is practically presented to me on a not so golden platter.

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