Author's Important Note - PLEASE READ TO THE END

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Hello again, everyone!

       I know it's been a long time since I last updated "Personal Lockdown" and I appreciate those of you who have encouraged me to continue writing the story. I do not plan on giving up on writing this but it has been taking me awhile to update. I just wanted to tell those of you who are new here that this story will not have an abrupt end and it will be completed properly.

Now for the real reason I'm writing this author's note!!!

I will have the next chapter of personal lockdown up by the afternoon of June 9th(MST)!

       I have gotten messages before saying they didn't like how they change the story or certain details. I thought I would take this chance now to explain my reasoning for why there is so many changes.

       I'm not necessarily writing from Jeff's direct story because it doesn't hundred percent correspond with how I'm writing my story. I will have things in here that didn't happen and there will be a few things I have changed about his past. Of course the major details will be in there but as to how he got to where he is will be different.

       I have never necessarily been a fan of Jeff story only because I feel it hasn't done him justice. A story like that won't really have much of a connection to what I have in store. I never felt a good connection when it came to his story so in order to give you my best I have to change it a bit. I feel this way it will be more enjoyable for you the reader and me the author. I want you, the reader to have an emotional connection with Jeffery. I want you to be able to feel the pull of falling in love with him and why he's so serious about this game of yours.

I just can't do that with the way his story is originally written.

       I am very sorry if this upsets any of you who are a dedicated fan of his story. I just needed more emotion from him and I wasn't feeling that connection with how he was written.

      Again, thank you for taking the time to read this and my story! It means the world to me from how much support I've been getting. I never thought this story would be this popular. It makes me more eager to show you what I have as an author (even though I'm an amateur) and give you a story that you enjoy reading!

***Also; what are you hoping for in the upcoming chapters of Personal Lock Down? Theories or thoughts?

Comment for a lucky guess and I will Tag your username into that chapter!

Please look forward to the next chapter of "Personal Lockdown" and I cannot wait to hear your thoughts!

Have a WONDERFUL Day!!! <3

~The Regretful

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