5: Spanky News...

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*Present Time*

As (Name) got ready to go out to dinner with her Uncle, she was oblivious to see the pair of eyes that watched through her opened window in the woods. Of course we would suspect nothing. Tom and he live away from town and it's rare to find a set of campers this close to town, especially in the winter.

(Name) looked at her clothing that was laid out on her bed and smiled slightly. Maybe tonight would be the night she would meet her badass guardian angel. It's possible! She sighed as she walked into her bathroom and started messing with her makeup. She couldn't let go of the thought of her wish possibly coming true. Maybe her angel is a real angel and that is who was making all that noise a week ago.

Yes, all that noise, thought (Name) never saw anyone there when she opened her eyes. Is it possible that the Gods have answered her prayer? (Name) sighed intently as she did her makeup and thought about what the heck her future would be like when she is without Tom. Yes, (Name) is never like this in public, she keeps her thoughts to herself. She just thinks its best to be ho she is and if someone wants to stay and learn the rest, that's who she should allow in her life.

As soon as she was done with her makeup, she went into her s=room and removed all clothing. The un-blink-able eyes of her 'angel', watching intently from outside, behind many trees. God, did he think she looked beautiful. She was absolutely stunning. A smirk came to the stalker's face as he watched her slip on her clothes for tonight's dinner. And my oh my, that drove him mad. (Name) was his. He claimed her and he'll be damned if any other man thinks they can even look at her.


An evil grin came to his face as he thought about his little visit he would make tonight. He would tell you that you were him. He would hear her scream in fright of him. She's his, no one els'. He's sure as hell excited to see your reaction.

(Name) slipped on her combat boots before tying them quickly but securely and then walking over to her full length body mirror where she checked herself out. Once she seemed satisfied, she smiled, sent herself a sexy wink, giggled, and the left out the door and downstairs to the living room.

*Present Time*
*Your Pov.*

After messing around in the mirror, I skipped downstairs and into the living room. I knew it was going to take Tom just a bit because I could still hear the shower water running, so I grabbed the remote and turned on some real t.v. I skipped through boring cartoon channels and new channels until one news story caught my eyes. Stopping on the channel, I turned up the volume and listened carefully as I stared at the picture they had in the corner of the t.v.

In the corner of the t.v was a picture of a white house and some of the inside where blood was left stained but the bodies were missing. I furrowed my eyebrows as I turned up the t.v some more and listened very carefully.

"-ill can't seem to find the murderer of the last huge crimes, all most likely left by the same criminal." The news man said as she stared the camera dead in the 'eye'.

"What makes you say that, Jessie?" The lady asked as she batted her eyes at the blonde hair man who seemed to be a rich snob, though I'm just guessing!

"Well, for the last few months we have been getting a list of murders and most of them have to do with the victim being stabbed up to 25 to 50 times in the chest, a smile carved into the body's face, and the same three words left on the victim's wall, written in their own blood... 'Go To Sleep." The man seemed to be amused by this, making me sick. Though, the story wasn't half bad.

"That guys back?" I snapped my head to the side to find Tom, finishing buttoning up his dress shirt as he stared at the t.v.

"Yup!" I said as I looked back at the t.v. "I guess so. Is he a big deal or something?" I asked and waited for Tom's answer.

"I uh, guess so. I mean, he's been pretty big on the news for about, let me think... 6, 7 months now?" Tom guessed then shrugged.

"I see." I said as we continued to watch.

"Well Alexis, you wanna know what has me stumped?" The news man asked as he furrowed his eyebrows and pressed his lips together.

"What's that Jessie?" She asked seductively as she got a bit closer to him, showing him her chest cleavage.

"Hey yo! I think you got the wrong place! The strip bar is the other way!" I called out at the t.v, making my Uncle Tom rage in laughter.

"Got that right, kid!" He laughed out. I snickered as we went back to the t.v.

"The fact that this guy, he has no lead so we can't track him down and he's had many cases. No fingerprints are left behind though." Alexis seemed to nodded in agreement with his answer before he quickly looked at the camera. "Well, that is all the news we have for you tonight. This man is on the loose. barricade your doors, staple your windows shut and have a safe night."

"Awww, cutting it off so early?" I whined as my uncle chuckled.

"There's your man. He can get away with shit, he's a bad ass, can protect you." Tom grinned.

"You're gonna jinx it, man!" Tom laughed at me and patted my head.

"Sorry they cut you off there. But I can tell you a bit on what's been going on over dinner, come on, we'll be late!" Tom rushed me. I groaned as I stood up and we headed for the front door.

"I bet you they cut it off so soon because that news guy had to fuck the chick!"

"(Name)." Tom sighed.

"Seriously! I mean, her boobs were practically shoved in his face! I think they're fake though." I stated, getting a chuckle from Uncle Tom.

"I have to agree with you on that buddy." He said as he draped his arm around your shoulders. "I really have too."

"So you were starring?" I teased him and his eyes went wide.

"Let's get going, shall we?" He ushered me to the door.

"That's what I thought." I smirked and we headed out of the house.

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