13: Freeze My Heart...

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*Two Months Later*

*Your Pov.*

Exploring the forest, going shopping, going to movies, out to eat, walking through town, the movers came and got Tom's things and also moved my things into Tom's old room which is now my room, deciding what to do on my birthday, chatting here and there with Tom, just to make sure he doesn't get worried or he'll come down here which can't happen or only the devil knows what will happen.

I can't seem to think straight right now, my thoughts are everywhere. Mainly on this whole game thing though. I had too many questions swarming through my head, making it hurt.

What will happen if I win?

Will he lean me alone?

Will I be able to see Tom again?

What if he cheats?

What if he lies?

He could lie! Why hadn't I thought of that?

What if I lose?

Will he kill me?

Will he go after and kill Tom?

What if Tom dies because of me?

What of he's saved because of me?

Where the fuck was my gun that night!?

I've been screaming questions at myself everywhere I go. I haven't really gotten much sleep from how much I've been stressing. Usually when I stress i then go out for a walk. Normally the walk takes place in the rain because we've been getting that a lot in town lately. What if, what if, what if!? All of these what if's and not a single clue.

What if I ask him the next time I see him what will happen?

See! Another what if!

I lazily watched the news as I took small sips from my soda. My head hurt and I was just too tired to go anywhere. It was poring outside and floods were everywhere. That's all that's been happening the last three days, floods. Partly hey I am watching the news.

I was really bored and it's not like I have anything better to do. Like usual there's other things on the news instead of the whether.

1. Flooding and lightning.

2. Another bank robbery.

3. Schools being shut down because of the weather.

4. Slutty weather woman.

5. Horny anchor man.

6. Murder on Norway Street.

7. New Walmart- Wait!

I sat up as the news man went through the list of things before beginning on the stories. I quickly grabbed the remote and turned up the volume as I leaned on the coffee table and focused on the flat screen.

"Wow, a lot is happening in this small town of ours, isn't there, Jessie?" Alexis questioned and he nodded.

"Definitley." He sighed.

"What will we start off with today?" She asked, batting her eyes.

"Block the cock man, don't encourage it." I sighed, shaking my head in disappointment. I smirked to myself but that soon faded as I realized there was no one to laugh at it...

"I think we should start off with the murder case on Norway Street." Alexis nodded in agreement. "Yes folks, were afraid that the same guy that we've been tracking down for 9 months now is still on the loose and is raging the town." A picture popped up in the corner of screen of a male about the age of 20. He had dark, brown hair, a full set of teeth, and dark, green eyes that seemed dull. He was pretty tan and had a scratchy patch of beard and a mustache that looked as if it were just shaved.

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