2: Guardian Angel...

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*One Week Ago*

Tom and (Name) were sound asleep in their rooms, all the lights of the house being off. The only sound being the husky wind outside and the quiet pitter patter of rain, easily putting the two unconscious.

Lurking in the dark shadows, behind a few trees, stood an infamous killer. His grin being so big yet so fake. The only happiness flooding through him being the excitement of having the blood of his victim on his hands.

He looked up at the second floor of the two story building. He found it pretty interesting that he hasn't run into it before, especially on his way to his cabin after a killing spree in town. It was literally on the way to his home. How come he has never seen it? The killer will never know but he's glad he's found it now.

He had went out into town for a kill but long story short, the cops almost had his ass. Since those fuckers nearly caught him, he had to lose them quickly before running back into the woods and home. He was also really wanting a kill tonight and so what happened tonight didn't help his mood.

Thankfully, god decided to take his side tonight and give these poor souls the problem. The killer chuckled to himself as he made his way to one of the lower level windows. He knew the bedrooms would most likely be on the top floor and he wanted to take his sweet ass time to enjoy this kill, since it might be a couple day before he can go back into town.

"Damn cops." The killer muttered as he tested a window and luckily, it was open. He smirked to himself as he quietly pushed it open and climbed through. He gently pulled out his knife from his white hoodie pocket in which had a couple old blood stains he sadly couldn't get out while cleaning it.

The killer looked around to see he was in the living room. He curiously looked around before his forever opened eyes landed on an arch way to what seemed to be the kitchen. His black combat shoes slowly made there way through the room and to the next one in a dramatic fashion that would sent fear to someone's eyes if they heard it outside their closed bedroom door at night, especially after watching a horror movie.

He patiently made his way out of the kitchen -which was really different from him because he was not at all patient. He took a look around to see himself in the dining room. He nodded gently as he used the blade of his knife to drag along the wood of the dining room table. Hearing the scratching on the table made him smirk. Though, then the thought of hearing the muffled screams of his victim's vibrate in his hand as he ripped through their skin made him grin evilly to himself, having to bite back a psychotic laugh.

Soon he made his way through the dining room's arch way and found two routs he could take. One leaded up a set of white, wooden stairs while the other lead down a small hall and outback. Beginning to lose his patients, he took the staircase to upstairs where he would rip into his victims, hearing them beg for mercy and shout that they'll do anything for their life. The grin grew larger -if even possible- as he thought of what he did after they're heart was ripped to shreds, their breathing stopped and all life gone from their glossy eyes.

Oh, how he loved the aftermath. After they were dead, he would take his precious knife, the one he's cared for, for many years and he would make his victim's corpse as beautiful as he was. Just to slide his knife into the body's mouth and use the sharpened blade to slip up diagonally, cutting an almost perfect smile, since his was the best.

A low chuckle left the killer's lips as he slowly climbed the staircase, letting his perfect weapon glide gently against the railing, causing the scratching noise he found truly addicting. Step by step, he became closer to the top floor, closer to his desire. If only he knew what god had in store for him.

As he placed his right foot on the flat platform of the second floor, eagerness took over him. He suddenly felt the urge of adrenaline rushing through his blood streams. His monster inside his head was beginning to awake. Oh, and he knew that once he saw the littlest drop of blood caused from his knife, his monster would take over. This time he didn't care though.

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