18: Angelic Beauty...

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*Narrator Pov.*
*Present Time*

(Name) fell into a deep sleep, all worry of reality disappearing other than one question that her mind wouldn't allow to leave. She didn't know what reality was any more. Was reality what little girls had thought? Were there fairies and goblins in real life but we've always failed to recognize them or was it just the opposite?

All she knew was it was impossible for a human to get away with so many murders and not leave a single trace of his identity behind. How could someone decorate the walls of their victim's home with blood, stab someone and rip hearts apart with their own two hands and not get caught? How was it possible for this smiling freak to do all this horrible madness and still not be heard of?

(Name)'s mind was clouded by this. Her dreams were infested. Everyone was out looking for this monster, failing to know that the one place they haven't checked is the one place he is.

Downstairs, on the (F/C) couch sat the smiling murderer. His feet propped up onto the table, legs crossed and his right arm on his stomach while his other was resting on the top of the couch, his white hoodie off and resting on the side table next to him. He watched a violent movie while he waited for his Possession to come back down. Blood and gore invaded the horror film but all he could do was criticize the 'killer' of his poor quality and murdering.

"You put your kind to shame." The pale white man muttered as he shook his head at the television, trying to muster a frown that was only visible in his unblinking eyes. He hated the poor qualities that most movies gave off. Those weren't reality. Those were the total opposite. Just because you find an old abandoned house did not mean a killer with a chainsaw was in there waiting.

A bloody scream erupted from the t.v as the chainsaw came down on the woman. Though no image of the woman being slaughtered was shown, only the crimson substance splattering against an old cruddy wall. The long, black haired man glared at the t.v, hating the fact that no true action was shown.

"This is pathetic." He growled. "How on earth do people fucking watch this shit? You never see real action!" The next scene showed the chainsaw murderer standing above the woman who was covered in buckets of fake blood, this making the smiling killer rage. "No! There would be guts every where, not just a bunch of blood! She would be cut wide open, clothes torn and she would have been screaming much louder and heller than that! Pathetic!"

The killer took the t.v remote and turned the power off, too disgusted by the poor quality to even take another look at it. He threw the remote to the other side of the couch before grimly standing up from his spot and heading upstairs to find out where his 'toy' had gone off to. It had been nearly twenty minutes since she had disappeared upstairs.

The pale, white man slowly crept up the steps to the second floor where he expected to find (Name). His hands dragging along the wooden railing like his knife had the first night, all about four months ago. When he reached the top he immediately made ways to (Name)'s new room. As soon as he reached it he stopped in front of the white wooden door, waiting to hear any sounds that would signify her presents, though all he heard was his breathing.

Placing a pale hand on the cold, silver knob, he twisted it and opened the door a crack. He waited for a single sound but nothing came. Furrowing his eyebrows, he opened the door a bit more and peeked his head in. Across the room, opposite from the door was set a bed with the beautiful (H/L), (H/C) haired girl, dreaming peacefully.

He opened the door more with a slight creaking sound ad entered the room. He closed the door behind him, hearing the small squeaking sound once more. Once the sound of the door clicking shut was heard, he made his way over to the angelic girl curled up in a ball. The smiling killer stood right next to her bed, starring at her for a minute, admiring her beauty.

(Name) breathed gently, it almost looked like she was dead. She seemed so calm yet so lost. Her hair was sprawled over her pillows as her body cuddled into the warm mattress underneath her sheets. Her head was sunk into the soft pillows, bowing down a little as her hands were snuggled up against her chest and neck.

The killer tilted his head at the innocent site before smiling a genuine smile. He went over to the end of the bed before crawling up to where 'his' girl was. He lied beside her, her back to him. He propped up his elbow and allowed his head to rest in his palm so he could watch (Name) as she slept.

He didn't know what it was about her but he just loved it. She seemed like a total bitch but he knew she was very caring and loving. He knew she had a good heart and a beautiful soul. Her attitude towards him makes him growl but he can't help but love it.

He used his left hand which was his free hand to move some hair out of her face. A stand of hair tickled her nose, making it scrunch up and bury her head into her pillows more. The killer silently chuckled to himself as he began to stroke her soft (H/C) hair. The beautiful stands slipped easily in his hand as he ran his fingers through it.

The nice feeling of his hand stroking her hair made (Name) smile gently. It was relaxing, gentle. Who knew such a violent killer could have such a soft spot for a mortal girl? He didn't even know why she made him feel that way he does. All he know is that he hates sharing and that he would always protect her.

Partly why he needed to win this game.

In order to win this game though, he had to break her, make her give up. He didn't want to have to hurt her but him being him had no choice. He made the deal and it was up to him to win. That or he would have to leave her life forever. The killer never broke a promise or lied. He hated liars. He absolutely hated them. So he would have no choice but to leave her and that was the one thing he wouldn't allow.

His eyes gazed upon (Name)'s face, her skin glowing below the moonlight that entered seeped through the blinds that were opened just a bit. He took his left hand away from her hair and placed it just below her shoulder on her arm. He leaned down and gently with his scarred lips, left a small kiss on her bare shoulder.

With that, he laid his arm down, above both their heads before laying his own head on his bicep. He put his arm around the eighteen year old girl that for the next year belonged to him. He placed his forehead on the back of her head, blocking most of the moonlight, sighing as he got comfortable to sleep. He didn't bother with blankets, knowing that she won't be happy when she woke up to find him next to her, in her bed. She'll most likely take it for the worst but he didn't care at that moment. All he wanted was to finally hold her while he could, for this next year might rush past them. He only hoped not.

As he was about to fall asleep (Name) shifted. He waited to see if she had woken up but instead she breathed deeply before turning around, groaning. She turned towards him, fixing her blanket in her sleep so it covered her once again instead of following her movements. She then placed her arms underneath the blanket and went to grab the top of the sheets that met with her neck but instead accidentally grabbed the killer's black t-shirt, cuddling closer into his chest.

The forever smiling man looked down at the girl who was clinging to him in her sleep. Her hair once again in her face but he soon took his left hand and removed it, making her scrunch her nose again because of the strands that tickled around her nose. The killer couldn't help but smile again at this. Soon, he wrapped his arm back around her waist and pulled her as close as he could, making her shift and cuddle closer to him. With that, he dug his face into the pillows and let sleep take him away. For he knew that he would be awoken to a bitchy girl with a huge hangover, demanding answers.

Review! :D

I hope you guys liked it! :)

Have a wonderful day, guys! <3

-The Regretful.

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