Chapter 25

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Chan just finished his last meeting with their office mates until he received a call from Hyejin.

He tilt his eyebrows confused, weird feelings start to fill in his body. Without waiting any longer, he quickly slide the green button and put it on his ears. But to his suprise he was greeted by Hyejin's loud sob.

"Hyejin? Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Chan asked loudly earning a look from the others especially hyunjin.

Hyunjin immediately stop his works when Hyejin name came out from Chan's mouth. He suddenly feel anxious. Hyunjin went towards and ask Chan what's wrong but he only received a shrugged as answers.

Chan's pov

"Hyejin ahh? Tell me why are you crying? Is everything okay?" I calmly asks.

"C-chan...why he does this to me..? Am i not deserve to be love by anyone? Why must everything happen to me?" Hyejin asks,still sobbing.

'He? What does she meant by he?'

I spare a glance at Hyunjin that already clenched his fist tightly, he was holding his anger. He must know something that i didnt know.

"Hyejin, stop crying. Take a deep breath and send me your location. Don't go anywhere, i will go to please wait for me."

"Don't come look for me, Chan..I want to be tired of everything..Im sorry for everything..." That's was the last words she's said before she ended the called.

I try to call her again but she off her phone.

"Hyejin, please dont do something stupid that you might regret it..." I run to my office and take my car keys with me.

Hyunjin saw my running state and stopped me, "Hyung, i want to go with you.." Hyunjin said and i just nodded.

~In the middle of road~

"You must know something that i didn't know." I said broke the silence. I saw Hyunjin was tensed a little bit. 

"Spill it out, hyunjin." I said, more stern in my voice.

"Hyejin noona and Rowoon' hyung are dating.." Hyunjin said slowly but i can caught what he said. I immediately brake my car and looked at him, trying to look at him.

"They what? Dating?" I ask again, earning a small nod from him. I let out frustrated sighed, "That's why you and Hyejin didn't talk to each other for one weeks? " I asks and Hyunjin nodded.

"Oh my god...Hyejin.." I facepalmed myself.

"I swear hyung, i try to warn her but she's never listen! Instead she asks me to not interfere her life." Hyunjin said, made me sigh again. Disappointed with her.

So, all this time she has feelings towards Rowoon hyung?

I tightened my grip onto steering wheel, feeling disappointed with myself. "Hyunjin, try to locate your sister's phone. We need to find her as soon as possible." I said, press the fuel gauge.

"Hyung, noona is at the garden that she's always go.."

"Where?" I asks, still focusing on driving.

"Incheon." Hyunjin said and I nodded.

After 30 minutes of driving, we finally saw Hyejin's car at the garden. I stopped the car at the parking side and quickly went towards her car. I open the car door and see Hyejin already lying down, lifeless.

"Hyejin, wake up! Please, wake up!" I tapped her cheeks many time but she's still doesn't awake.

"Hyung.." Hyunjin called. I looked up and saw a pill bottle on his hand. I take the pill bottle and read the label on that bottle.

"fluvoxamine? Isn't this for depression?" I asks and Hyunjin nodded.

"She's once was diagnosed with depression..i thought her depression was gone but i didn't know she still has it.." Hyunjin said,his voice start to tremble.

I suddenly feel like my tears are going to fall soon. "Hyunjin, you take Hyejin's car. Im gonna bring her to hospital. Im worried she might overdose." I said, earning a small nod from nod from Hyunjin.

I pick Hyejin with bridal styles and put her in the car.  Slowly carresing her pale face, "Why you need to torture yourself like this, Hyejin ahh?"

I start my car and quickly drive to nearby hospital.  After i arrive, the nurses and the other worker incharge quickly put Hyejin on the bed take her to the emergency room.

I wiped my face harshly, tears start to fall. "Hyejin, please don't leave me.. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed me."

After a while, Hyunjin then came with the others. Worried all plastered on their faces.

"Hyung, will Hyejin noona survive? I feel sorry for ignoring her." Hyunjin hugged me tightly, started to cry. I patted his back slowly, trying to calm him down. "She will be fine. Don't worry too much.."

After 1 hour, the doctor that incharge for Hyejin went out from her room.

"Is Hyejin fine?" Hyunjin asks a little tremble in his voice.

The doctor just nodded her head a little, " She's overdoses but overall she's fine. I'm glad that you guys brought her early, if not we didn't know what happened to her if you brought her late." The doctor said, made all of us let out a sighed of relief.

"Can we visit her?" I asks. The doctor nodded, "Yes you can, but she's still in coma. She might awake soon. The side effects of medicines still strong and it might take her a couple of days to wake up." The doctor said. We just nodded at her words and bowed a little, thanking her.

"Channie hyung, you and Hyunjin should go inside take care of her first. We will come tomorrow." Minho said, patting my shoulder.

"Tell us if she's awake, we will go now. Take care Channie hyung and Hyunjin." Han said.

We just nodded and let them left first. After they left, me and Hyunjin went to Hyejin's room and greet by her that was lying on her bed lifeless with oxygen masks supporting her.

Hyunjin runs towards her and crying again. "Noona, please wake sorry for ignoring youu...pleasee, don't leave meee..who will bother me after this if you leave me." Hyunjin sobbed loudly. I went towards Hyunjin and patted his back.

"Hyunjin ahh, she will wake up soon. Don't worry about it, i know your sister is strong girl. We can just pray the best for her." I said trying to comfort him. After a few minutes, hyunjin stop crying. He looks at me and give me a sad smile, "Thank you for being there for Hyejin noona when she needed you. I really hope she can see your real feelings about her than that jerk that make her like this." Hyunjin said, still looking at her sister pale faces.

I just smiled, "It's okay Hyunjin. Maybe one day, who knows right?" Hyunjin then looked at me, "Is it okay for you to take care of her tonight? I need to go home now, I don't want our parents suspicious about why we aren't going home yet."

"Are you not planning to tell your parents about Hyejin?" I asks and Hyunjin just shooked his head.

"I don't want to. Because i know if i tell them,  our father will send her away to overseas to get a treatment and I don't want to seperate with her anymore. It's hurt me so much hyung to see her like this." I stood up from my sit and hug him.

"Don't worry about her. Just go home, take some rest and i will take care of her. I will call you if she's awake, okay?" He nodded and hug me back.

"Thank you so much, hyung. I owe you a lot. I will go now, take care hyung." I nodded and he left, leaving me and Hyejin alone.

I sit down beside her bed and hold her cold hand, "I miss your smile, mi amor. Please wake up, everyone is waiting for you.." I carresed her pale cheeks and planted a small kiss on her forehead. After that i slowly drift off to sleep while holding her hand.

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