Chapter 59

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Hyejin just stared emotionless at the black dress that she is supposes to wear for his funeral. Her tears start to fall again. "Is this really the end for both of us?" she mumbles slowly while caresses at their wedding pictures. That day was a happy day for both of them, but will never be same anymore...without him..

"Noona, are you done? We need to go now.." Hyunjin called from outside her room. She opened the door and saw Hyunjin was waiting for her, giving her a sad smile. "Kaja (let's go)." Hyunjin said while holding his sister's hand, giving her some strength.

At Chan's funeral...

Hyejin looked at the coffin that slowly burried on the ground. She feels like her world was shattered into a pieces . The man that always protected her, loved her, cared about her already left her forever. Leaving her alone in this cruel world. How much she wanna stop everyone from saying that he already dead. How much she wanted to shouted that he's still alive. It's hurt to see your loves one already gone.

"'s your turn give your last respects for him." Chan's mom said, smiling weakly at her. Hyejin nodded and slowly walked towards him.

Hyejin starts to cry again,

"Channie, why you left so soon?  Why you left me alone on this cruel world? You say you will never leave me...but why you broke the promise first" Hyejin says, letting out all she wants to say for Chan for the last time.

"Channie, my love, my handsome and precious husband..thank you for this beautiful 1 year. you really made me happy, made me appreciate myself more and made me feels what the meaning of loves. I'm sorry if i'm not being a good wife to you, Channie. I'm really sorry. Never knew this days will come..where i need to leave you forever. Chan, i love you and will forever be. Be happy okay, Channie..
You are at better place right now. Rest well my handsome husband. Don't forget your beautiful wifey, okay? I love you, my husband. Thank you for always loving me. Goodbye, my prince." Hyejin said her last speech with tears on her face.

Everyone was crying hearing Hyejin's speech. Hyejin then walked towards Hyunjin and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Hyunjin, it's hurt..why he needs to leave me? Why, Hyunjin? Why?" Hyejin sobbed loudly at his chest.

As much as Hyunjin wants to be strong for his sister, but he also fails to control his emotions too. He also feels what her sister feel. He lost his brother that cared for them. He lost someone that dear for him. He lost someone that feels like family to him.

"Noona..uljimaa..Chan's hyung will not like it when he sees you crying like this. You need to be strong for him and his family.."Hyunjin said, comforting his sister. "How can i be strong for myself, Hyunjin ah? How? I can't live without him! I need him! Please bring him back to me." Hyejin sobbed. Hyunjin just let out a heavy sighed, he doesn't know what to do anymore. He feels hopeless. The others saw Hyejin and Hyunjin stated. They quickly went towards them and pulled them into a big hug.

"Hyejin, please don't cry. We will go through this together. You will never be alone. You still have us. We will protect you like how Chan hyung entrust us." Minho said, patting the girl's head.


"Hyejin, we need to go home now. We will come again, tomorrow." Hyejin's mom said. Hyejin just stay there, didn't bother to spare a glance at her mother. Her eyes never leave to look at his picture that hanging on the wall.

Her mom sighes and pats her shoulder, "Hyejin, please...don't torture yourself like this. You never eaten anything. We will come again tomorrow, okay?" Her mom says again.

"I don't want to! Just leave without me! I don't want to leave him alone. I need to accompany him. He must feel so lonely at there. He needs me." Hyejin says,emotionless. Already tired from crying too much. Mr Hwang and Mrs Hwang looked at each other, worries about their daughter condition.

"Hyejin please..we need-"

"I said, i don't want to! I want to accompany him here! He needs me! Please, just go!" Hyejin starts to cry again. 

Her mom looked at her father, asking for help. "Yeobo, eottoke? (What should we do?)" Mrs Hwang asks her husband, already crying. "I will call Hyunjin to convince her." Mr Hwang said and left, searching for Hyunjin.

After a few minutes, Mr Hwang comeback with Hyunjin on his side. Hyunjin already looked like a total mess.

"Hyunjin ah, can you convince your sister to come home? She's barely eat anything for today.." Mrs Hwang said, pleading to her son. Hyunjin sighs , "I will try, eomma." Hyunjin says and went towards his sister.

"Noona..we need to go home now. I promise tomorrow we will visit him again so he won't feel lonely, okay? You need to rest and eat. You haven't eat anything, right? Chan hyung hate it when you skipped your meals right? You don't want him to hate you, right?" Hyunjin asks, earning a small nodded from Hyejin.

"Let's go. You are tired already. After we go home, you need to take rest okay?" Hyunjin said, with a soft voices. Hyunjin hold Hyejin hand slowly to make her stand up. Hyunjin slowly hold Hyejin's hand and put her inside the car. He then looked at their parents and gives them a small smiled. "Eomma, appa...go home first..i will take noona home." Hyunjin said.

Their parents nodded, "Thanks for comforting her,Hyunjin." Hyunjin smiled, "I will do anything for her. She's my sister after all." Hyunjin said and when inside the driver side. Hyunjin looked at his sister sleeping state. "You have been through a lot, noona. Losing someone you love, must be really hard for you..right? But don't worry, even though Chan hyung already left us. But i and the others will never leave you alone. That's our promise."


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