Chapter 27

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The numerous sighed that i just released for today is already uncountable. I stare blankly on the screen phone that was full with unpicked up call and messages. All from the man that made me like this.

"Seriously, Kim Rowoon..can't you just leave me alone?" I murmured a little while deleting all the messages from him and quickly block his number. No use to save it anymore, its only make my heart hurt more.

I leaned on the bed and let out a heavy sighed again. The words coming out from Eunjung's mouth yesterday, still hit me like a truck. "3 months pregnant with his child..why do you expect from him so much,Hyejin ah? Hyunjin was right all along..i should've listen to him but due to my ignorance i decide to listen my heart instead.." I sighed again, throwing my phone away on the table. I pull my legs closer to my chest,without i realise my tears start to fall again.

"Oh my god, Hyejin..why are you being a cry baby? Stop thinking about him can you? He already live a happy life..he's gonna have a child should move on,Hyejin ah.." I said with tears on my face.

Suddenly, my door room open reveals Chan's with a full of plastic bag on his hands. His charming smile turn into frown when he saw my state. He carefully put the plastic bag on the table and when to my bed, pulled me into a big hug.

"Why are you crying? Is everything okay? Do you hurt anywhere?" He asks, with his soothing voice. I just shooked my head and hug him tightly, didn't bother to answer his question.

"Do you still think about him?" He asks, making me looks up at him. He looks at me and wiped my tears that stained on my face. "He searched for you at our office this morning and your brother beat him up." He said.

"D-do you tell him where i am?" I asks, nervously swallowed my saliva. Afraid that Rowoon will come to see me, i still doesn't have a enough strength to face him, at least for now.

Chan shooked his head, "Nope..i didn't tell you where you at because i'm afraid your condition will affect by it again."

I take his hand and slowly caressed it, "Thank you Chan, i always make you trouble with my problem." I said, letting out a sighed again.

"It's not really a big problem tho, it's my pleasure to help you. For now, i just want you to rest. Dont think about him and just focus on me." Chan said, make me blush a little bit.

"So, what do you want to eat today? I bought all the favourites food that you always eat." He asks, searching the food from the plastic bag he bought.

I smiled, "I'm fine with anything." Chan looked up and he showed me a bowl of cheese tteokbokki. "If this fine with you?" He asks and i nodded. He then opened the lid of container and start to feed me but i shooked my head refused.

Chan looked at me giving a confused look, "What's wrong?" He asks. "I can feed myself, Channie." I said. Chan smiled and shooked his head, disagreed with me. "Nooo, you are sick. I need to feed you and take care of you like a princess you are." He said, make me touch a little bit from his words.

"How i wish he can treat me like how you treat me, Chan." I said,slowly fiddling my fingers. Chan sighed and put the food container back.

"Hyejin, trust me. You will find the perfect one that will treat you like how I treat you right now."

"Don't said that to make me feel better, Chan. My past relationships doesn't even work for that long. How you so certain that i will find a perfect one?" I asks while looking at his eyes. He smiled and ruffled my hair, "You will soon, Hyejin. Trust me. Who knows he's already here but you are too dense to notice him." He said, trying to hint something. But me, being too dense and clueless..playfully hit him on his shoulder.

Chan winced in pain, "Yah, what was that?" He asks, still rubbing his sore shoulder. "That's for calling me dense" I said, sticking my tongue out.

"But it's true tho.." Chan said murmured with a small voice. I shoot him a death glare, " I can hear you, you know?" I said and he just surrendered.

We continue to eat and talk about something until a knock from the door was heard. We stopped what we were doing and looked at the door.

My heart dropped when i saw the person. It was Hyunjin. "Noona..." Tha was the first time He called me after one weeks we didn't talk to each other. I can see that he was trying so hard to not cry in front of me.

"Hyunjin.." I smiled and spread my arms, waiting for him to hug me. He quickly run towards me and pull me into a tight hug.

" sorry for ignoring sorry for everything." He sobbed in my chest. I caressed his back slowly and turn to  looked at Chan and Chan mouthed " I will leave you two for a while." I smiled and mouthed back a thanks to him.

I caressed Hyunjin's back slowly, "Hyunjin ah, it's not your fault. It's my fault for not hearing what you said. I know you just trying to protect me and I'm sorry i didn't hear your words and i'm totally regret it, Hyunjin. I'm sorry.."

Hyunjin broke the hug and looked at me. His eyes already swollen from crying. I wiped his tears with my hospital uniform. "You look ugly when you cry, little bro." I said, joking a little bit. He  smiled and slowly take my hands and caressed it, "I'm sorry for everything you have been through noona." Hyunjin said and i just smiled. "It's okay,Hyunjin. It's not your fault." I said and caressed his hands but he started to wince in pain.

"Noona, don't touch that. It's hurt." He said, winced in pain. I take his hands and looked at him, "You hit Rowoon don't you?" I asks, makes his eyes widen. "How did you know?" He asks back. "Chan already told me. Why you did that?" I asks. Hyunjin sighed, "because he hurts you.."

I smiled and caressed his face, "But it doesn't meant you need to hurt him that way." I said and Hyunjin just mumble a small sorry. He then looked at me, "Do you still love him?" He asks.

I sighed and smiled at him, "It doesn't matter now, i will try to move on even it takes a long time. I will move on...."


I was looking at the man in front of me that was busy packing my stuffs and put it inside the bag. Hyunjin on other side was playing with his phone.

"Chan!" I called the boy name. "Mmm, do you need anything?" He asks, still continue packing my bag. "When will you leave to Australia?" I asks, makes him look at me with hurt face.

"Do you really don't want to see my face anymore?" He asks, pretending to be hurt.

I shooked my head, "Can i go with you?"

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