Chapter 9

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"Morning, Hyejin~" Youngbin greeted the girl, made the girl create a small smile. "Morning too, youngbin sshi~" Hyejin greeted back and bow a little to show some respect to her senior.

Youngbin smiled and looked at Hyejin that was busily neat her table. "How's your work with Rowoon? Is everything okay? Does he bully you a lot?" He asks a little bit concern in his voice.

Hyejin smiled and shooked her head, "At first, it was kinda hard for me to adapt with him but don't worry I'm slowly getting along with him.."

Youngbin nodded and smiled, "Glad to hear that from you..i thought you will quit your work after one week, but i guess you kinda have a strong mental to work with him." Youngbin said made Hyejin tilt her eyebrows confuse.

"What do you mean by 'strong mental to work with him' ?" She asks, looks confuse.

Youngbin sighed, "Every people that work with him usually quit after 2 days work with him..if I'm not mistaken the longest co-worker that work with him was about one week?" He said, more like asking questions to himself.

Hyejin jaw immediately drop when she hear that. 'Is Rowoon really that annoying?'  She thought.

Her thoughts were cutted off by familiar ringtone that greeted her ears. She take a glance to Youngbin, signalling him that she needs to take the call. Youngbin nodded and left the girl alone at her office.

"Yeobosaeyo~" Hyejin greeted the caller.

"Come downstairs, fast! I need you to bring all my files to my office!" He said, in the other line made Hyejin rolled her eyes.

Hyejin inhaled her breathed to prevent her from curse her own boss. "Nae sunnim~" She said in annoyed tone and hang up the call.

She threw her phone on the table and silently curse at her boss, "Erghh, what a pathetic and annoying boss! No wonder  no ones want to work with you!"

With a heavy heart, Hyejin went to downstairs and were greeted by her annoying bos that was standing beside his luxury car.

"Show off!" Hyejin mumble slowly under her breath. "Why take you so long? Are you trying to piss me off?" He said, crossing his arms.

Hyejin sighed, "Oh come on! I come here to work, not to hear your babbling or nagging at me!" Hyejin said, stomping her feets. She was nearly to throw her heels at her boss. Luckily, her inner self stop her before she doing so. If not, she needs to say bye bye to her works😌.

Rowoon scoffed a little bit and takes all the files that were place in his car and gives it to Hyejin.

Hyejin was struggling to regain her posture because of the loads of files that Rowoon gives her. Hyejin shoot him a death glare, "You wanna bully me that much?" Hyejin asks, Rowoon just shrugged his shoulder and left the girl alone.

Luckily, just in time! Chani comes to save the day! Chani saw Hyejin was struggling and quickly ran to help the poor girl.

"Noona! Why are you doing this alone? Here, let me help you." Chani said, taking the file from Hyejin hands.

"Gomawo, Chani sshi~You are so kind!Unlike him!" She said loudly made Rowoon turn around. Chani laughed and turn to look at Rowoon.

"Rowoon hyung bully you? Aigoo~ what a gentleman." Chan said, teasing the boy. Rowoon was standing with annoyed  look that plastered on his handsome face. Chani went towards him and nudged his shoulders, " This is not how you treat girls, hyung~" He said in teasing tone and left Rowoon alone.

Hyejin quickly run towards Chani and turn around to look at Rowoon that still standing there, playfully sticking her tongue. "Merong~"

Rowoon frown face immediately turn into smile after he saw Hyejin's cute face. Rowoon shooked his head and quickly went to his office.

Hyejin's pov

I huffed a little putting all the heavy files on his table and take some at Chani's hand.

"Thank you, Chani! I think if you are not there, i wouldn't be able to take all the files and bring it here." I said, thanking him. Chani smiled, "No problem, but you shouldn't not let yourself be his victim. He sometimes can be overboard when teasing or annoying someone. I hope you are strong when you're working with him." Chani said, patting my shoulder.

I nodded and smiled, " I will try. Thanks again for helping me." Chani nodded and left the office, leaving me alone.

I let out a heavy sighed and rubbed my temple that start to pain, "For how long i need to endure his annoying presence."

"Hyejin!" The familiar voices called my name make me flinched a little bit. I looked up and met by a pair of cold eyes.


"Make me some coffee, I don't want too sweet or too bland. Understand?" Rowoon said. I just nodded and left his office to make some coffee for him.

After i done, i carefully bring the coffee and put it on his table. Without looking at me, he quietly sip his coffee. He then looked at with his yucks face.

"Yah, what coffee you make to me? Why so bitter?" He asks. I tilt my eyebrows confused, "But i just make like what you want."

He then rolled his eyes and asks me to taste it. I taste it and it's taste not really bad. It was perfectly fine for me.

"The coffee was perfectly fine for me." I said, earning a death glare for him.

"Do it again until i satisfied!" He said with a loud voice. I let out a groan and start doing it again.

After so many tries, i fed up for doing his coffee and quickly left the office to buy his coffee that suit his taste at San's cafe.

After got his coffee, i quickly run to his office and place it on his table. Make him looked at me with those death glare.  

"I told you to make my coffee, not to buy it!" Rowoon said.

His words make my blood start to boil,
"You are so annoying! If you really want a coffee that really suit your taste why don't you make it by yourself? Why need to ask me?!" I asks, angered start to feel my body.

Without waiting for his response, i left the office room. Push the door hardly, make him flinched at my sudden outburst.

I take my all belongings and left the office. At this point i don't even care if he wants to fire me or so on. I am tired with his bullshit. I really am.

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