Chapter 6

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"You are late, Hwang Hyejin!"  That's the first thing Hyejin heard when she step in his room.

Hyejin looked at her wristwatch, let out a heavy sighed. She's really late but it's just 2 minutes?

"Oh, come on! Spare me, I just only late for 2 minutes!" She said, crossing her arms.

Rowoon looked at her and smiled, "You won't accept the fate that you're late and you gonna be my butler huh?" He said, his smile still plastered on his face. Not a genuine smile more like annoying smile.

Hyejin sighed, "Damn, i only late 2 minutes. Ergh, annoying!" She spat. Rowoon just laughed at her reaction. He admits Hyejin's kinda cute when she's mad.

"Now go back to work, don't forget about your meeting minutes. Don't complaint too much or else i will deduct your salary." Rowoon said made the girl just rolled her eyes in annoyance, leaving the room.

Rowoon just shooked his head, "Aigoo, hwang hyejin.."

The meetings with staff were going smoothly but not with lunch meeting. Hyejin sighed when she saw Hyunjin from far away waving at her.

Rowoon looks at the girl beside him, "Do you know him?" He asks. Hyejin nodded, "he's my lil brother. He works with SKZ entertainment." Hyejin said. Rowoon then clicked his tongue, "Ah~ no wonder you didn't want to go the lunch meeting with me. Hmm interesting, glad that i bringing you along." He said, laughing.

Hyejin start to clench her teeth, "jerk!"

Rowoon turn and looked at her, "What did you call me just now?" He asks, crossing his arms.

Hyejin looked at him and give her fake smile, " Nothing."

"But i heard you say something about me." Hyejin smiled, "Maybe just maybe, you have some ears problem. You should go to hospital for check up. Want me to make an appointment for you?" Hyejin asks made Rowoon rolled his eyes.

Hyejin walked away and smiled in victory, finally pay back after what he did to her.

Hyejin went inside the restaurant first with Rowoon trailing behind her.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, sorry we're late. We just finish our meeting with the staffs." Hyejin said, bowing a little bit.

Chan smiled and shaked hands with Hyejin,  "Don't worry, we also just arrive. Nice to meet you--"

"Hyejin, Hwang Hyejin." She said.

"Ahh, hyejin..Wait--" Chan then looked at hyunjin and then looked at hyejin back.

"Are you Hyunjin's sister?" Chan asks, made the girl shyly nodded.


"Ehem, are you gonna to continue to flirt or what?" Rowoon asks made both of them let go of their hands.

Hyejin just rolled her eyes, "way to kill the fun." She said, made chan and others boy laugh.

Rowoon just shoot a death glare and sit down, ignoring both of them.

"So, can we continue our discussion last week?" Rowoon asks. Chan nodded, "Sure,hyung nim~"

About 3 hours later, the meetings with SKZ entertainment come to the end. Hyejin let out a sighed of relief and stretch a little bit.

"Finally, the meeting is done~ I can go home now!" Hyejin said happily while neat the files that scattered around.

"Who said you can go home?" Rowoon asks, trying to annoy Hyejin.

Hyejin just ignored him and left the restaurant.

Hyejin's POV

I walked out from the restaurant left Rowoon behind, ignoring him. I really don't understand why he always find the way trying to annoy me. I mean, i didn't anything wrong except the last week case. But, i already apologise to him? Haish, jinjja! What an annoying jerk!

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