Chapter 1

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"Get up from your bed, lazy ass!" Hyunjin shouted while hit his sister with pillow made the girl annoyed. "Oh come on hyunjin, just give me 5 minutes more..spare me please, i sleep late last night." Hyejin said, shoved her body with the thick blanket again. Hyunjin just let out a heavy sighed, he knew he needs to do something for his lazy noona. His noona has been like this since she come back from London.

Just then, an idea popped out on hyunjin head. Hyunjin just smirked knowing his idea will gonna make his noona mad at him, but he doesn't care anyways. As long as his noona wake up from his bed, that's what he wishes for.

Hyunjin stared at the girl that still sleeping for the last time. He then went towards her, pulled her blanket and carry her bridal style. Hyejin wake up in shocked, pleading hyunjin to let go of him but he doesn't budge. He then put hyejin on her bathroom and open the shower. The cold water slowly make a contact with hyejin's body made the girl shrieked. Hyunjin just laughed at his noona disheveled state.

"N--neo! You gonna died after this!" Hyejin said, shivering because of the cold water. Hyunjin shrugged, "That's what you got for being a lazy ass." He said, get out from her room.

Hyejin clenched her fist, as long as she has the huge urge to punch her handsome brother face, she needs to hold herself from doing so. If not, hyunjin will not giving her pocket money anymore.

She let out a sighed and close the cold shower, she takes off her clothes and start to shower properly.

After about 15 minutes staying in the bathroom, she finally went out and dry her hair properly. After she done, she quickly went downstairs to greet by her annoying brother and mom.

"Oh, i thought you gonna stay in the bathroom forever." Hyunjin said while munching his bread. Hyejin just glare at him and start to throw hands at him but her mom stop her from doing so.

"Hyejin, sit." Her mom said, strict in her tone. Hyunjin that infront her just give her thumbs up, knowing Hyejin will always lose. Hyejin slowly sit down and sip her coffee.

"Hyejin ah, when are you gonna to find work? You know is already been a month  and you still not have work yet." Her father start to speak. Hyejin let out a sighed dont know how many times, she really hates it when her parents start to talk about it. Not like she doesn't want to work, but you know works are kinda hard to find anyways. Crap that, it's only her excuse to not go work.

When she's about to open her mouth, her father cuts her off. "Don't tell me the same excuses, Hwang Hyejin. In Korea have a lot of work to do. It's just you, yourself didn't bother to find it." Her father said made Hyejin immediately shut up. Her father then looked at hyunjin, "Does your company doesn't have any vacancies? Maybe you can apply for your noona."

Hyejin's POV

"Does your company doesn't have any vacancies? Maybe you can apply for your noona." Appa said make me looked at him shocked. Am i that lazy to the point that i can't even find job that i like for myself?

Hyunjin then looked at me and turn his attention to appa, "as long as i want to see noona start working, but I'm strongly protest her to work with me in the same company." he said made me just rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Do you really think i want to work with you? In your dream! Your officemates are not handsome." I said made appa shoot a death glare to me.

Hyunjin then looked at me and smirked, "Oho not handsome, you gonna regret when you said that." He said, standing up. Already finish his breakfast. He then greeted our mom and dad, and turn his attention to me.

I just raised my eyebrows confused. "Why are you still eating? Come on, my driver. You need to send me to the office. " He said makes me chokes on my coffee.

"I'm not your dri-----"

"Drive me to the office or no money for you." He said made me sighed in defeated. "Bullshit." I cursed under my breath, unfortunately appa heard me.

"Language young lady!"  Appa said shooted me a death glare. I bowed a little bit and take my car keys.

I entered the car and saw hyunjin sitting at the back. I just stare at him until he looked at me, raising his eyebrows. "What?" he asks, turning his attention to his phone back.

"Oh come on, sit in front. You make me like a real driver for you." I whined a little bit. Hyunjin just chuckle, "Why? are you shy, knowing the facts that you need to be driver for your handsome brother?" He asks cockily.

Oh, how much i want to punch his face.

"Sit in front or you gonna drive by yourself." I said a little strict in my tone. Hyunjin then sighed and sit in front.

I start the car engine and drive quickly to his office.

After sending him off, i drive to my fav cafe. The cafe that I always go when i stress or sad.

At cafe~

"Hello welcome to our ca--- oh hyejin noona!" San greeted from the counter. I smiled and went to him, patted his head.

Ahh, how i wish i can have San as my cute brother than annoying hyunjin.


"Noona?" The thoughts were cut off by San that looked at me worriedly.


"Noona, i ask you want the same thing like usual?" San asks again. I nodded and give him money.

"Okay, one green tea frappucino and one red velvet cheese cake will deliver to your place." San said made me laugh.

I sit at the place beside window, looking at the scenery. Just then, San come at my place with my orders.

"Here your orders, noona." San said sitting in front of me. I smiled and take a sipped of my green tea frappucino. I smiled at the taste, San's green tea frappucino never fails me to amaze me

"You seem having a lot of thought, what's wrong? Does hyunjin start a fight with you again?" San asks.

I shooked my head, "It's the same thing San~ work, work and work." I said made the boy nodded.

"I think you need to start find work now, noona. You already turn 22 this year, you don't want to have your own life? dont you want to go places you want or buy anything you want without using parents don't want that?" San said made me think a little what he said.


"No excuses, do it now or you regret later." San said made me sighed in frustration.

"Ahh San, you know it's hard to find job in Korea?" I said while eating my cake.

San then shoot me a death glare and gives me a card. Business card i guess?

"How do you get this?" I ask. San smiled, "Someone i know give me this, he said he needs new P.A. You should apply this. " San said smiling before he left me to greet another customer.

I looked at the business card in my hand. SF9 Entertainment. Ceo, Kim Seok Woo.

Maybe I should try apply this work, who knows it's my luck to get that work, right?

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