Chapter 44

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Beth POV

we've been driving for 2 days only stopping for rest and food. finally we pull up to a small house in the back of the woods.

he helps me out of the car and leads me to the door. he knocks on the door and an young looking woman opens the door.

"ah, you finally visit me Dwaine. what has it been almost a year?" she smiles at me and looks dow at my stomach then smiles even wider. oh boy.

"I see you've been busy." she says with a small laugh in her voice,

"NO, this is my half sister, and she has a mate already. were seeking your help." he tells her looking mortified at what she just said.

"oh, well, come in. come in.''she walk back into her house and leads us down stairs.

her base ment is full of bottles and dust. some bottle filled with colored liqued. as for the dust its also multi colored

"what is this for?'' i pick up an orange color dust and bring it up to my nose

"DONT TOUCH-" he bore he can finish i take a smell of it and it goes up my nose making me sneeze. i didn't see the big deal until i noticed that everything had moved like a gust of wind came in.

"that." he drops his hands to his sides and slouches.

"what was that." i ask and set down the powder and look at it like it killed someone. ya dirty powder.

"that was kichanie powder." he says and throws the powder to the lady and she catches it and puts it on a shelf next to her

"And that is?" i say what is that Latin!?

"its polish for sneezing." the lady says and hobbles over to me like an old lady would

"and why do you have it exactly?''i say and sit on the couch that was sin the back of the room

"why I'm a witch dear. but i only specialize in the were wolf community.'' she tells me and sits next to me on the couch

Dwaine stands in front of me with his arms Cross,"i brought you here because i want you to keep you powers inside. letting out your anger will cause that because the element of fire can get a pretty hot head when they're angry." he says explaining

"And so you don't hurt your bay boy" the witch says and i stare at her in shock how'd she know?

"how'd you know that?'' i ask her and she smiles

"I'm a witch i know lots of things. but I'm special i can tell age, boy or girl, and if you lie." she explains to me

"How old are you if you don't mind me asking?" i ask he ad she takes her hand and shakes her wrist letting a blue sparkly substance come out

"I'm 300 years old." she wave her hand in front of her face reviling an old wrinkly lady with messed up hair and crooked teeth. i gasp and she waves her hand again and returns back to normal.

"this is too weird." i stand up and walk slowly up the stairs and back to the ladies or witches living room.

what? i don't understand any of this! why couldn't he just teach me or show me him self?

i hear a knock at the door and it smells familiar. i stand up and answer the door.



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