Chapter 52

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Beth POV

"What! How could that be. Their were only suppose to be 3." Zayn says

"I don't know, but he said he created a tornado that destroyed some of his pack house. and his wolf was a dark gray. but it's not that his eyes are the grayest eyes I've ever seen." I whisper to both of them crossing my my arms.

"Well everyone left about an hour ago or more likely went to bed. So we can either accept him into this pack and assign him a room or we could keep him down here for the rest of the night and we can take shifts watching him." Jaccob suggested

"Let's keep him down here. I'll take first watch." I tell them and sit on the floor

"Okay I'll bring you a blanket and an air mattress to sit or lay on." Dwaine says running out into the brisk February air; snow beginning to fall from the sky.

"Yeah that sounds nice." I murmur to myself.

"I'll stay with you." Jaccob says plopping down next to me.

"How are you gunna stay warm?" I ask him yawning

"Oh, I'll just shift into my wolf I guess, I need to spend some more time with him I guess." he shrugs and he smiles at me.

"You guys are cute." Conner says and we jump, I didn't think he was still awake.

"Oh Conner your still up." I say

"Yeah I always protected the border at night so." he shrugs.

"How old exactly are you?" I ask him raising an eye brow and Jaccob goes out side and shifts into his wolf

"I'm 18." he states and I nod

"I'm 18 too." I tell him

"And you had a son a week ago." he says and I state at him with open eyes

"How'd you know that?" I ask him

"I can smell it on you, and when you attached me your eyes turned black as soon as I turned towards the pack house." he tells me,

"Oh, you could tell all that by the way I'm acting?"


"That's soo weird." I say and lean against the wall.

The doors open and Dwaine comes in with the air mattress and the blanket.

"Here you go." he sets the items down,"be careful, make sure he doesn't blow the bars away." he whispers in my ear and I nod. he looks at Conner, mutters a yep and walk out closing the door .

After an hour things got boring I ended up just playing on my phone .

"Can I have a snack?"


"Can I have a blanket?"


"Can I go outside?"


"Can I-"

"For the last time no! Conner what the hell is wrong with you! Do you have ADHD or something!" I yell at him

He looks at me with sad eyes and his mouth is open a small bit.

"Oh my gosh, Conner I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"No it's fine, I've had this issue my entire life, it's just... my dad..." he says looking at me with a half smile

"It's okay you don't have to tell me." I tell him. aww now I feel bad I just want to give him a big hug.

"No, if I'm gunna stay here and be welcome I have to tell you. my mom passed away when I was 5 leaving me with my dad and older sister. my sister left for collage a few years later found her mate and never moved back in. So my dad started to drink. he would go to bars and get wasted. one day he came home and started yelling at me. saying it was my fault she died. He would do this almost every day until 5 months ago. He was coming home from a bar and got in a car crash. He died on impact. And I've been alone ever since. so I started acting out. Even when I took my medicine." He confesses and tears brim my eyes.

I wipe my tears away.

I turn around and grab the keys and the gloves. I open the cell letting him out.

I grab him hand and wrap the blanket around him.

"Where are we going?" He asks

"Inside." I open the door and I find Jaccob sleeping. we step over him and go inside.

I take him up the stairs and find an empty room.

"You can have this room." the room had a navy blue color feel to it. the bed had a black frame and and a navy blue bed spread. It's got a large closest and it's own bathroom.

"Really this one." he asks surprised

"Yeah, is too small or something?" I ask him

"No it's way bigger then my old room." he says walking right in.

"You can just go to sleep, we can get you some clothes and such tomorrow." I tell him my hand on the door nob.

"Okay thanks." he says and sits on the bed.

"See you tomorrow." I close the door and walk back to the great outdoors.

"Jaccob." I say and shove his shoulder immediately jolting him awake.

He looks around confused and I laugh. I tug on his fur and he turns to me and calms down. he barks and gives me a wolfy grin.

"Come on fur ball let's get you inside." I smile and grab a fold of his skin and pull him inside.

I lead him up to our room and close the door. I throw some clothes in the bathroom and Ouse him in there and close the door.

I laugh sign and change into a long sleeve shirt and some sweats pants and get into bed.

Jaccob comes out with out a shirt exposing his muscles.

He jumps into bed making me bounce.


"Yes." he says and settles into bed

I turn on my side and close my eyes. Jaccob wraps his arms around my torso and falls asleep.

What an eventful day.



Sorry for not posting I was busy and I totally did got and by the time I remembered it was like almost 12 at night so I decided to just post today.

Quick question: who's your favorite character, mine's Conner or Jennifer I can't decide

Well anyways





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