Chapter 43

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Beth POV

I put all of the 200 hot wings in the oven. 1st batch, okay. I walk over to the pantry and get out 6 family sized bags of 4 different flavors of Doritos. cool ranch, extreme jack, and 2 regular.

"Hurry up Beth! The game is starting!" Jacob screams running in with Sea hawks jersey he throws a large jersey at me and it land on my head.

I let out a breath and take it off my head.

"Can you just take the bowls in I still have to make the wings and the appetizers." I say and he nods and grabs the four bowls and goes into the auditorium. but get this last year I was in the hospital during the Super Bowl last year and I didn't know that the auditorium changed entirely for the Super Bowl. I larger then life white board (never been used) pops up from the stage and a projector projects the game.

I walk up to my room and put a long sleeve white shirt. I pull the Sea hawks jersey over my head and walk down to the kitchen.

I pull the first batch of wings out and walk them over to the auditorium. I put the wings on the food table and watch the game for a small while.

"*screaming and yelling*" the quarter backs for the Sea hawks kicked a field goal so I walk back into the kitchen and put the second batch of hot wings and sit down at the table. i pull out my phone and play candy crush.   i hear the door open and look up. Damen

"what do you you want." i say my attention going back to mt phone

"i just wanted to tell you that the sea hawks scored again." he shrugs and puts the tips of his fingers in his pockets

"what did you really wan to tell me?" i ask standing up and checking on the wings.

"Fine," he breaths out,"I just don't understand why they're making you do this? it doesn't seem fair" he did not just say that

"Really, are you seriously saying that to me after what you did to me. your stupid super bowl parties where i had to wit hand and foot on you assholes!' i yell at him pushing him back by walking forward.

"But- I..."

"Don't even go their. And FYI,  i like cooking that restaurant was my eye idea because I wanted to be head chef around here. and not sit like an oaf Luna and not do any thing for her own pack. that saved her life!" i don't what happened because i guess it was because i was angry or it was the element in me but i pushed him through the wall.

Dwaine and zayn come rushing out along with Jacob.

"What happened out here!" Jacob says looking at the damage.

"he came out here and asked why i was working. i confronted him and said that he did much worse and i hit him and. He-he just flew through the wall>' i say stuttering i look at my hands. red with a fresh coat of blood. but it heals faster then i have ever seen the skin just going over it.

"dawine. Somethings happening. Help." i look at him with fer in my eyes. he grabs me and rushes me into the garage and puts me in his car and speeds away.


Jacob pov

i look at Zayn, "what? where is he taking her?" i ask rushed and he motions to the door and runs out side taking off his shirt then shorts and shifts into his dark brown wolf. i look at him confused before realizing what he wants me to do. i run out after him and shift forgetting about my clothes. we run into the woods and we run on the tree line of the street. soon the sun sets and we take a brake. i lay down. i put my face on my paws and fall asleep.

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