Chapter 40 part 3 of 3

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Beth POV

It's been almost 2 weeks, we are being let out today. as far as I know only 4 of our pack died and all if the hunters died but one and we have him in the cells that i didn't know we had.

They open the door that leads to the library and their stands Jacob.

I run to him and he picks me up and kisses my cheek then my lips.

I start to sob in his arms and he pets my hair

"Shh, shh, it's okay, it's alright, I'm fine, your fine, it's over. it's all over." he coos in my ear while I sob

You want to get some food." he says with his hands on my ears and my hands over his.

I nod my head yes.
I wipe my nose with my sleeve and he guides me to the kitchen.

He pulls out some bread, peanut butter, jelly, and 2 bananas.

"So... um.. how did it start?" I ask and he hands me my sandwich

"Well, Dwaine was heading to the library and he bumped into me. His eyes started to glow for a few seconds and then he fell backwards . he said that we needed to prepare for battle. so we had the 5 troops go get you and a few others to safety. and we fought. we gave them everything we had. and we one. I did get shot once. but it healed." he says and gestures to his shoulder.

I finish my sandwich and look back up at him ,"who got killed?" I ask and play with my fingers

"This is the hard part, the people who were killed were, Tyler from the hospital, Mackenzie the daycare lady, url, and your brother." he says

My brother.

My brother is died, he's gone, I wish I could have been with him longer. why of all people did my brother have to die!

Jacob pulls me into his arms and I cry and cry

2 days later

"Can we please have Blake's sister come up to say a few words?" The guy that buries people says

I walk up to the podium snuffling

"Blake wasn't always the best brother. But he was still my brother, and even when he would beat me I still loved him. this past year has been the most confusing year of my life. I have been hospitalized more then I can count. but each of those times when I was hurt is like a pinch compared to this. I've lost my mom, my dad, and now my brother. I was just starting to forgive him and then the asshole hunters took him from me. I miss him so much. I wish, no I hope that he is in a good place now." I sob. I look at his mate sitting in the front row. her red face from crying shows sympathy for me. I look back at her and show her sympathy too. I mean she barely knew him a month isn't a long time to know someone.

I want him back.

I wish he was here.

I look up to the sky and close my eyes and a tear fall from my eye.

I wish I knew him better

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