Chapter 50

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Beth POV

"Put the banner up there."

"The balloons should be in the front of the house."

"Don't put that in there!" I yell and stop someone from Damens pack that was about to put Jack Daniels in the punch

Oh the returning of a pack member and z pretty important one too. Jannifers twin Brother. Haven't seen him since I got here last year.

He left on an expedition to find his mate. he found her a few months ago and stayed with her. but once he found out I went into labor he's been tying to get back here. How sweet is that.

Jaccob went to the airport to go pick him up. tgey should be here any Minute.

"They're here!" Someone yells

They walk through the door and everyone jumps up yelling surprise.

"Aww guys that's soo sweet thanks." he smiles and comes straight to me

"Beth is like you to meet Andrea my mate. Andrea this is Beth, Luna of this pack." he smiles at me then her. Andrea bows her head


"No please non of that, just Beth is fine." I laugh and she nods with red cheeks

"Well I want to go see Jennifer, talk to you later Beth." he says and waves

"Bye Toby." I yell over the noise

"You did an amazing job." Jaccob says from behind me and massaged my shoulders

"Really, I thought the streamers could have gone higher." I tell him joking and we laugh together.

"They're cute together aren't they?" I ask him and lean on him. my back to his chest.

"I wouldn't use the word cute, because mainly I'm a guy, but I'd say they look good together." he says and I giggle at that.

"Some Romeo and Juliet story right."

"Yeah, except they are not gunna die." we laugh and I put my hands on my knees

"We are laughing way to hard at this aren't we?" I ask and he nods

"Yeah I think we are." he says

Someone bumps into me and I fall on my butt.

"Oops, watch were you're going, "Luna" Tracy says then walks away laughing like a hyena

"Here let me help you up." Jaccob grabs my hand and pulls me up.

"I really really don't like her."

"Yeah well let's not waist out time on mean people like her." he says and I smile at him

"Well how about we get out of here and go see little Mason." I ask him and grab hold of his hand

"Sure that sounds fun." We walk down to the nursery hand in hand

We get to the door but theirs a big white sign on it.

"Closed for Toby's party" I read out loud

"When did they make this sign?!" I ask

"I don't know. I didn't even think you could close a nursery." he shrugs

"Well what do you want to do now?" He asks and I look around

I spot a boy with a cast around his arm holding 2 nurf guns with sorrow

I run over to him and Tap his shoulder,"Hey kid can I borrow these?" I smile at him

"Sure I won't be using them" he hands them over

"Thank you." I run back to him

"I say we go into the woods and who ever gets shot first looses." I say and a smirk covers my face


I hide behind a tree and my breath hitches as I hear twigs snap. I turn around the tree with my gun close to my chest.

I put the gun out in front of me like in those cop movies. "come out, come out where ever you are." I say looking around

I hear the sound of paws hitting the ground alarms me.

"Hey! Jaccob! We agreed no shifting!" I yell stomping my foot like a little kid

A wolf comes around the corner snarling and growling. "your not Jaccob."

I put my hands out and start to hush it

I trip backwards on a log and start to slid back. how cliché could this get.

"nooo!" Jaccob yells throwing his gun and charging. he shifts and hits him

Oh no this is bad.

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