Chapter 45

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Please read it's very important

last nigh i wrote something on my message bored and if you didnt get it it means you dont follow me so I'm gonna write what i said.

"hey everyone i just wanted to let you know that i plan on trying for a watty in 2016. with that i need as many votes for the story I'm trying for, Rejected At First Sight. its been my dream ever since i joined, and with your help i hope to make that dream a reality. so i need comments on my mistakes, what i need to improve, stuff like, if you see an error please comment on it and tell me what i need to change it please help me. Help me win the 2015 watty awards with this book. Thank you for your time."

if you read that your a champ. so if your willing to help please do, cause i seemto make a lot of errors.


Beth pov

she taught me things many valuable things that i cant wait to do when the baby is born. like how to make the ground heat up in a certain spot with out catching it on fire, or how to throw a ball of fire. i know this seems all to clece' but its all a reality to me.el

"Are you sure your all right dear?" the witch asks handing me my bag.

"yeah i think I'm gonna be okay, but you live here all by yourself are you sure your going to be okay?" i asks her

"I've lived to see the revolutionary war and the civil war, and almost every war involving America. and all those times I've been fine. i think I'm okay." she says and leads me out of the house and into Dwaines car. i roll the window down and she cups my cheeks with her hands. i give her a half smile nd she pulls her hand down. i put the window up. the car speeds ahead into the woods.

2 hours later

fire, it burns down the woods, it spreads onto town catching the first building on fire. it moves to the shops and restaurant.

"This is all your fault! You should have listened!" Jacob screams at me making the baby scream, and wail.

"It was an accident!" i plead but her doesn't listen Ryan takes takes the baby from my arms and Jacob pulls out a gun.

"No! No! please don't kill me! I'm your mate! Our son needs us! Please! I love you! I love you!" i cry out but he just pushes me to my knees. he puts a the cold barrel of the gun to the side of my head and i cry even harder.

"Its for your own good.'' with that he pulls the trigger and.


i wake up and gasp. i start to breath heavily and look around frantically.

"calm down, calm down. It was just a dream your all right i promise. your all right. nothing the matter." Jacob pulls me out of the car and i cry in his arms

i killed he town. o destroyed everything.

"I-I thought that i k-killed everyone, and then y- you y-you.'' i couldn't even finish. Jacob hugs me tighter and i cry harder. the people in these cars must think I'm crazy. nut i don't care. i just thought that i killed everyone! let them think that. its there problem not mine.

he puts his arms on my face and wipes a few tears away. "Do you want to sit in the back with me for the rest of the car ride?" i nod my head yes and as fast as lighting Zayn is in the passenger seat.

we get in the back and i put my head on Jacobs shoulder. and i close my eyes and let darkness take me once again,



hey i know this was a short chapter but I'm really on writers block. and this is coming from a girl who can write a 7 paragraph essay in a day for school for some question i don't understand. i can drag on with one topic for ever and still make my essays interesting. lowest I've ever got on an essay was a B and was soooo mad i couldn't explain. so sorry for the short chapter but hey, even the shortest chapters can mean the biggest difference in a story.


Rejected at first sightWhere stories live. Discover now