Chapter 25

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Beth POV

I read the magazine that was left by one of the nurses when Jacob comes in.

"So what can u do you for?" I set the the magazine so I can see his eyes. he looks pale, he also has a syringe in his left hand, more shots, come on!

"Well you old pack is coming to day so, we have sent changer from a which I know, speaking of when the babies born she wants to speak with you." he says trying to sound relaxed

"Okay let's geter done." I roll up the sleeve of my hospital gown and he sticks the needle in my arm then hands me a trash can.

"What's this fo-" before I can finish bile comes out from my mouth from my stomach.

He hands me a stick of gum and I chew it. mm mint

"Okay well I'm going to stay with you. what do you want to do?" He says and sits on my bed

"How about Monopoly." I say and he pulls it out from under the bed. I fix my nebulizer and we begin our game, I'm the dog.

~~~~~~Damens POV~~~~~~~~

The car pulls up the drive way and we all get out with our suit cases.

An older man an an older woman sit on the front porch with ''smiles'' on their faces

"Hello, my names Daman,". A growl erupts from the mans chest," and I'm the alpha of this pack. we our so thankful for you guys letting us stay here." I clap my hands together

"Well I'm the past alpha, Carl, and this is the past Luna, Elliot-" (what up Disney reference!) I interrupt them

"Where is the new alpha and luna?" I ask how rude not show up for the meet and greet of the new members.

A girl comes running out and whispers somthing into Carls ear

"Well..... um...... our Luna is having some issues. so Jacob's with her." Elliot says

"Oh okay." well I feel like a complete idiot.

"Well how about that tour, Jennifer why don't you show them around. we want to visit the Luna." Carl says to the girl I guess her name is Jennifer.

"Okay well follow me please." she shows us the kitchen, the teen lounge, our packs sleeping floor, places to shift, bathrooms children's day care. then finally the Hospital.

A sent hits my nose and I don't know what it is. I push to the front and try to get past Jennifer.

"Let me go!" I growl but she pushes me back but I push her to the ground and run past her.

"JACOB!" She yells down the hall and he comes out of a room. he sees me and then charges at me

We make contact. he had shifted and was on top of me. his front paws on my chest making it hard to breath.

He's breathing heavily and his snouts nose is going in a back in forth kind of motion.

He looks at my arm, then back at me. he goes at my arm and attacks it. I let out a yell but no one comes. he gets off me, spits blood on the tile floors and runs back into the room he was in previously.

I see black dots in my vision before I'm feel not on earth any more.

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