Chapter 64

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Beth POV

I walk into Masons room picking him up out of his bed. he squirms around for a while then gives up.

I put him on the dipper table. I wipe him down and then give him a fresh new dipper.

I pick him back up and he begins to cry.

"Aw, don't cry baby. are you hungies, yeah you hungies." I say in a baby voice and I feed him with my body.

Soon he's full and drifts off again in my arms.

"Their we go." I say setting him back into his crib so I can change.

I go into my room and pull on a dress that has like an olive green almost gold pattern around the torso and an egg shell color for the bottom part. (picture above or to the side.)

I strap on a pair of white heels and go back into Mason room.

I pick him up and cradle him in my arms,"Hey buddy, let's go meet some soldiers.

I walk down the hall people bowing their heads saying Alpha. some come up to see Mason and then they go.

Finally I reach Jaccob office. I open the door and Jaccobs behind his desk and 2 burley men are sitting opposite from him.

"Beth, good your here. Gentle men this is my mate Beth and our son Mason." he says with a smile standing thing me putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Nice to meet you Beth, I'm Ted and this is Dylan. Is a pleasure to meet an alpha for a country." Ted says in an British accent.

"Okay shall we get this started." I ask. bouncing Mason up and down.

"Yes. Beth, can you call for a pack meeting?" Jaccob asks me.

I go into the communications office and press the button and the speaker.

"Attention, can the whole pack report To the auditorium for a mandatory pack meeting. Thank you." I say.

I look down at Mason who is fully awake and looking wide eyed up at me.

"Hey buddy."


"As you all know we have visitors from another Pack. Well here they are Dylan and Ted are the Kings best warriors. And they have agreed to stay for 5 years to protect Your Luna / Alpha." Jaccob projects inti the crowd.

"But does the Luna really need Protection! I mean she's like the strongest wolf in the country so I don't see why she needs it!" A boy in the crowd yells.

I search for the boy in the crowd, and take a minute to look at him before thinking about the question,"No, but my son does, and I will do everything I can to protect him." The pack nods at my answer, I back down and let Jacob take over to finnish the speech.

I zone out and think, do I really need these men to protect my son? What if I can't? The questions swamp me, but the pack meeting is over.

I fix Mason in my arms and walk back to Jaccobs office. Dylan and Ted walk beside me.

"Why does your pack disrespect you like that. If you're Luna." Dylan asks

"We have people staying from another pack because their pack house caught fire. They should be out by next week." I inform him and he nods.

Mason squirms in my arms and starts to cry. I lift him up and smell him and he smells like a garbage truck.

"I'm gonna go change him, then put him down for a nap." I tell them and walk ahead to his room.

I set him on the changing table and replace his duper with a new one along with a new onesie.

"Their good as new." I say smiling and picking him up.

"Who's the cutes baby alive? You are yes you are." I say in a baby voice and I set him down in his crib.

I wrap a blanket around him and he falls asleep.

"Your are adorable aren't you?" I say in a hushed tone

"Yes he is." someone says from behind me.

"You." I say turning around looking a Daman.

"What I can't look at the packs most precious baby." he says shrugging.

"No you can't so leave." I say standing protectively in front of the crib.

"Why should I leave your not my Luna." he says with a smirk

"No But I am your alpha." I cross my arms wearing a straight face

"So I don't have to listen to yo-"

"Leave or I will set you on fire." I say in my alpha voice my eyes turning red.

"Yes alpha." his pupils becoming wide and he leaves.

I mutter a few words and a force field forms around his room. I'm no witch but I do know a thing or two about a thing or two.

Now only me and Jaccob can come in, unless I give permission.

No one will ever take my baby.



Hey guys okay so I hope this chapter wasn't to boring

I got some help from Mayah_da_real123

She helped with this chapter.

Okay so you can still send me a picture for the cover contest.

So... how about a





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