Chapter 32

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Beth POV

I didn't get any more sleep that night. I just kinda played with Jacobs hair.

But the good new is my wolf has been able to heal some of my issues. the doctors were really surprised, they says that I wouldn't have to go to the hospital for the next 7 or 8 months.

He's still asleep, but I'm sure not.

I get out of bed and go to the kitchen.

Jacobs mom is cooking this morning, yay. not sarcasm.

I know this is rude but his moms cooking tastes like burned everything. because she burns everything.

"Hey sweetie, can I make you some breakfast?" She asks storing around her burnt scrambled eggs

"No thanks I'm just gunna get some pancakes." I say

"But no one made pancakes?" She asks

"Oh well then I'll make some." I say and start to get out the ingredients.

I pour the batter on the skillet and make 4 pancakes at a time.

I make around 16 and put them on a plate.

Jacob sits at the table Knife and fork in hand ready to dig in.

I set down the plate and sit across from him.

He takes four and I take 5. because technically I'm eating for 2.

"Hey Jacob, I was thinking?" I ask him


"What if we renovated the kitchen to look like Cafè. And we could get some janitors and we could pay them. I Mean I could work in the kitchen because I love to cook." I tell him sitting my pancakes and plopping them in my mouth

"That actually sound like a nice idea. I'll call a meeting today and we can discuss it with the pack." he agrees and gets himself some orange juice.

"Oo, and I was thinking, so the new pack doesn't have to live here forever, we could get some people from our pack and their pack to help rebuild their pack house." I say finishing my pancakes.

Jacob goes to the corner of the kitchen to where we have a thing where we can talk to some one. like those apartment things.

"Hey Tasha, could you put a pen and some paper in every seat in the auditorium?" Jacob says pushing the talk button on her name

"Yes Alpha." she replies.

"And also find a big box and give it to me when your done." he adds and she replies with the same thing.

Later that day at the pack meeting.

Jacobs begins the pack meeting talking to the confused pack members. but the only reason they're confused is because we already had the pack meeting this month so.

"Okay every one thanks you for coming even though you were forced. you came in and their was a pencil and paper on your seat.please take that out. You Luna will explain what those are for." he steps away from the microphone and nods at me.

I get up and he takes the seat I was sitting in.

"I thought it would be nice if we made some renovations to the kitchen and lounge area."

'What! We never talked about the lounge!' Jacob yells through mind link

'Just let me explain and when I'm done you can say yes or no, okay?' I tell him and block him.

"I was thinking for the kitchen, that we could make it look like a café, we could get a kitchen enclosed behind doors. and we could have like a quick eat bar for a counter with swivel stools. and for those who want to eat in can sit at a booth or a table.
We could get waitresses and 2 more cooks because. I would be one." I take a pause and look back at Ellie

"But Ellie I'm sorry but you can't be a cook because you burn everything." I say and she crosses her arms and pouts, but I get a small chuckle and a few thank you! 'S from the Crowd

"And the lounge. I want to add a game section. their will still be the counted and large flat screen but I want to add a game room to it. like their could be a place where you can plug in your laptop, their will be a wiiU, Playstation 4, and Xbox 1. We can put computer games and Video games or you could bring your own."
A few of the boys look as if they could explode with excitement

"Okay and this is something that will happen and you can't vote for it. Janitors. we need them badly, like seriously we need them. we could use about 5 or 6.

We also need people from the Red moon pack (Damens pack)
And the Dark woods pack (Jacobs pack) to help build a new pack house for the Red Moon pack." I finish everything

"Oh and their is I box up outside of every door where you will put you vote in. you can write only yes or no. yes for both or no for both. Agreed?"

"Agreed Luna." the whole pack says in unison which is kinda freaky I might add.

"You are Dismisses." I walk away to Jacob and he had the stupidest smirk on his face.

"What." I say putting my hands on his arms then sliding them down to his hands

"You were amazing, and the lounge idea was genius." he says and I lean closer to him almost touching noses. that sounds weird. scratch that, almost touching lips. there, that sounds better

"I know I'm super smart." I give him a peck on the lips.

"Yeah your my little smart cookie." he says and scruntches up his nose.

"And your my big bad wolf. And you blew my house down." I say smiling.

"I want to take you out." he says

"Okay, when?" I ask

"Tomorrow." he says happily

"Well to get me to go out with you," I lean in close to his ear and whisper,"your gunna have to catch me, because I'm little red ridding hood. mr big bad wolf." and with that I run from him smiling and laughing.

He stands there for a bit until he comes to his senses and starts to chase after me.

Soon hatches up with me. he wraps his hand around my waist and pulls me back.

"I caught you little red ridding hood. now can I see what's in your basket?" He says laughing

"Uh no" I say like it's obvious

"What? Why?" He whines like a little boy who didn't get the toy they wanted from the store

"Because I'm Pregnant Dummy." I say laughing and flick his forehead.

"Well I guess that stinks for me." he says and pulls me in for a kiss.

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