Chapter 63

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Song: Honey I'm good

Beth POV

It's been one week, and I can almost fully operate. I can cook, bathe, and do all the normal things. It's not much but it's improvement.

I stand out side the nursery watching Jaccob talk to the nurse. Theirs pointing, talking, nodding, and laughing.

Finally after a while the nurse hands Mason to Jaccob. We get to take him home today. After 1 months of all kinds of shit we get to take him home.

Jaccob walks out whispering kind words to him and stood a few feet away from me.

Little Mason has wide eyes looking up at his father.
"See her, that's your mum." He says looking at me. I smile at him and he smiles.

"Do you want to hold him?" He asks walking towards me.

Do I want to hold him? I know that I'm not gonna break him, but it stills scares me. He's only what 4 pounds. That's lighter then a puppy.

"You won't hurt him, I promise." He says taking one more step towards me.

"Okay, let me hold him," I say reaching my arms out.

He carefully hands me the baby and I cradle him in my arms. I look down at him, he's looking up at me with curiosity.

"Hey bud, I'm your moma. And I will love you, and never hurt you. You and me, we're fighters. And we're gonna make it. Because I'm here to protect you." I whisper to him.

He's never gonna remember i, but it still means something. It means something to me.

I look up to Jaccob with tears in my eyes.

"You did it." He says smiling. He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist kissing my cheek.

"I did it." I whisper to my self


I rock back in forth with Mason sleeping in my arms. He snuggles closer into my warm body.

I look at the window as the sky darkens and small rain drops fall from the sky.

"Hey it's getting kinda late, and we have a big day tomorrow. Why don't you put him to bed. We'll only be a cry away." Says peering from around the corner.

I look at the curtain that was set up to connect our rooms. The door was removed by a curtain so the baby could sleep peacefully and we could be in the other room and not disturb him.

"Oh okay," I get up from the rocking chair and out Mason in his crib pulling 2 small blankets over him. I pull the gate up and kick it in its place.

I go over to his front door and lick that and go into my room through the curtain.

"What a day." I sigh taking my hair out of the pony tail that it was in.

"We're going to have an even bigger one tomorrow. Remember the Kings beat warriors are coming. Then we leave in like 2 weeks for England." He reminds me slipping off his shirt reviling his 8 pack.

"So exciting, the baby's first travel. Hopefully since its 1st class their wont be to much noise." I say pulling off my jeans and pulling on a pair of sweats. I change my shirt to a t-shirt and slip into bed next to Jaccob.

"Yeah, but for now let's just enjoy him being with us." he says wrapping his arms around me making me the little spoon. (A/N if you don't get it, look up what spooning is.)

"Hey," he says kissing my cheek

"Yeah?" I ask my eyes starting to droop close.

"I love you." he says laying his head on my shoulder

"I love you too." I reply before falling asleep.



Okay so I'm getting out of my slump, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Writing it brought tears to my eyes. Because of how happy I was for them. (okay I'll never say y'all again)

What about baby Mason finally getting out the hospital isn't that great.

And don't worry since theirs only what 8 chapters left, he will not be stollen I promise.

But I can promise a sequel.

The sequel will be about Mason becoming an adult as he turns 18 an has not yet found his mate, but he only has a tear to find it before he works the hardest he's ever worked to become king which isn't hard because that's what the moon goddess planed.

I want it to be something along the lines of that.

But I will need story names so you can comment those.

Also I really want w new cover for my story.

You can send me the picture through the Private massage on here just send me the link to the photo and I will choose my favorite. I know some of you are wonder full with photography and pictures so please help me.

Any who.... how 'bout a




Bye 😚

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