Chapter 11

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Beth POV

Everyone's ushered to a table so dinner can be served

I officially am a meat eater now so they are serving steak, with mashed potatoes with gravy and a side salad

With appetizers such as potato skins because you know it's potato cheese and bacon what not great about it

And theirs also desert which is a 3 layer cake which will serve 500 people that belong in this pack that I know look over.

The people around me are Jacob, Jennifer, Avangeline, Ryan, and the past alpha and Luna.

When dinner is served everyone can't help but dig in. jokes, laughing and taking is heard all through the hall

When I'm halfway through my plate I'm full. Im pulled up out of my seat and brought to the dance floor

Jacob and I rock back and forth, with his hands holding my waist and my arms around his neck

"If this is what a coordination a like, what's a wedding like?" I ask him

"Well a wedding would be in the middle of the Forrest at night with those big light bulbs. the reception would be in here, oh and the cake would be another 4 layers that would serve 700 people." he explains to me and then spins me

"Well how would their be 900" if their is only 500 people in the pack family from other packs come to stay. like Jordan over their. her wedding was the biggest. we had people from all over. Australia, Lindon, Canada, and all over the country. you see her family was very spread out." he says all this stuff and I'm astounded at all of this

"Well how is her family all over the world?" I ask wanting more information

"Her great, great, great, great, great grandfather was king of the wolves but when he started a family the king role was past down to his family. so he stayed in London, then his son moved to Australia and started his own pack. Then his son moved to Canada and started a pack there. then his daughter moved to America and found her mate her and decided to stay. so then when they had Jordan she moved here while her mom and dad stayed in California, and her brothers moved to Alaska, and that is technically America Grounds." he says out of breath

"Wow, that's so cool!" I say that's amazing how all her family is everywhere.

"Yeah it really is."

Soon the parties over and everyone goes to bed

I hop in bed in my room because apparently, unless your married or over 21 you can't sleep with minors but since I'm the Alpha's mate I can bend the rules.

Jacob followed me into my room and hoped in bed with me

He wrapped his arms around my waist with my back to his bare chest and his chest to my back

I feel him kiss my hair and then I fall into a deep sleep

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