Chapter 37

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Beth POV

As soon as I saw then walking towards us I knew they were different. I knew they had to be something.

Jacob walked up to them and I followed him.

He kept me behind his back, I just peeked over his shoulder. "why are you trespassing on our territory." he said it with fierceness, which made me kinda want to jump into my brothers arms.

"We are here for her. An Element, fire. she bares the strongest male in the supernatural world. Born to be a king." He pauses for a slight moment. I place my hand on my stomach and give a worried glance to Jacob. how do they know all this.

"Elements need to stay together. it creates power, once the baby's born we need to go straight into training." one says and I push I front of Jacob.

"I'm not going anywhere. I don't even know your damn names!" I growl at them Jacob rubs small circles on the palm of my hand.

"Well then. I'm Dwaine, I'm water." the one with a blade like tattoo on his arm says

"And I'm Zayn. I control earth. don't worry he's just a bit......... Frustrated. he's really goofy." he says smiling and a small chuckle at the end.

"You just explained your self." he says staring at his brother. I'm just gunna say it. if I wasn't taken I would be drooling over these 2 boys.

"Well how do I know your not lying. prove it." I shrug my shoulders and fold my arms

"Fine." they disappear into the woods and come back moments later. a dark blue and dark brown. not a spot of anything else.

I unfold my arms and stare in shock. I've been studying up on this after I found out I was a red wolf. I didn't think it meant anything. I didn't think it meant I was anything special.

The dark blue one runs up to me and rubs it's side against my leg purring like a cat. I run my hand on his soft blue fur.

He runs back into the woods and so doesn't the brown one.

Once they return I'm convinced.

"Can I talk to my alpha for a moment." they nod

"Thank you." I grab Jacobs arm and lead him a few feet away

"You have to make them part of the pack. they were ment for me." I plead. he looks away then back at me

"Fine." he sad and runs up to them.

"Let's formally meet. Hi my Name Jacob I'm the Alpha of this pack, and this is my Luna Beth. could both of you please step forward." they look at each other then step forward.

Jacob says a few words in Latin pleasing his hand on their shoulders. they let in a sharp breath then breath out.

"Wow." Dwaine says and I laugh

"Yeah wow. come on let me show you boys around." I lead them into the house and we pass the 2 construction sites,"okay we are making our kitchen a café because we need more room. we are also expanding our lounge." I show them the hospital shifting areas in the back. the gym.

"Okay and finally your rooms." I open the door to their rooms.

Zany a room has a ironically perfect decor. the dark Forrest green walls and dark brown rug are perfect for him. he has a bathroom and a king sized bed. "I'll let you get settled in." I say to Zayn. I go one door over

His room has gray walls and gray carpet. his beds a black color with a white comforter. he also has a bathroom and king bed.
"Well I'll be down stairs if your need me." I say and he nods

I walk down stairs and Avengeline almost tackles me to the ground.

"Who were they?"

"What's their names?"

"What are they doing here?"

"Are they single?" She asks

She's a machine gun

"Calm down, they are here to help. their names a Dwaine and Zayn. I don't know if they are single." doesn't that answer your question." I breath out a little frighten.

"Yeah, do you want to watch Teen wolf with me?" She says like a little girl.

"Uh no. It's incredibly inaccurate. And It makes no sense." I tell her rolling my eyes (A/N I enjoy teen wolf and I have nothing against it. it's just Beth not me. Calm down okay.)

"Well it's your loss, Styles is looking pretty hot thins season. she says raising her voice.

"Ugh, put a sick in it." I push her away laughing

This has possibly been the most exhausting and exciting day ever

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