Chapter 54

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Beth POV

An arrow wizzes passed my shoulder.

Gun shots could be heard from 1000 miles away.

My skin bursts into flames and blows off leaving fur. I growl and charge towards the woods not think about what could be behind those woods.

I stop in a clearing and and look around. I snarl. I can feel the snow beneath my paws melting into the ground.

I fire circle erupts from the ground around me and I arch my back.

An arrow comes through the flames and hits me in the shoulder area.

I bark out in pain and swat the arrow out of my skin with my paw.

Blood spills out from the wound. my eyes turn a darker red the. They were previously.

I charge through the fire and tackle the first thing in see.

A hunter. I bite his throat ripping the skin off and spitting blood in the snow.

The hunter gasps for air trying to push me off of him but I just growl and jump off of him. no amount of help could save him.

A heavy snow starts to fall dodging my heat waves.

I run through the woods and shift back to my normal naked self.

I reach inside a tree and pull out a pair of shorts and shirt.

I run through the woods and find A man with his arm around Jennifer's neck. she struggles to pull it off

"Get off of her!" I yell and run towards her

I gun shot goes off hitting me in the side resulting in me collapsing to the ground.

"Why would I get off of her their's no one to stop me." The man laughing evilly

"Who said no one. I'm still here." I say and jab my fingers into my wound and pull out the bloody and sticky bullet and through it in the snow.

"But how could you fight me. your just a little girl." he says laughing and tightening his hold on Jennifer

"Yes I may be still a little girl in your eyes, but I'm Beth in every one else's." I tell him standing my ground

"Oh Beth I'm soo scared."

"You should be." I tell the man looking at the trees behind him that just so happen to "catch fire"

"A little fire doesn't scare me." he says throwing Jennifer to the ground and putting his foot on her back. she tries to get up but he pushes her back down. she's shivers from the cold her skin turning blue. I heart her up and she let's out a sigh in relief.

I leg out a yell and charge him and jump into the air and time slows down while I shift and pounce

But I don't cause any damage. I mean how could I, he put a spear through my chest.

I wake up screaming and and kicking my eggs and backing up till I hit the head board.

Jaccob wakes with a start looking back and forth before looking at me. he rushes out of bed and to my side

"Are you okay? What's wrong?" He says panicked and I take deep breaths

"We need to call a meeting. Get the warriors, Ryan, your 3rd command, your dad, and Jennifer! Get them all to the conceive room. I'll get Zayn, Dwaine, and Conner." I say hoping out of bed and putting a sweat shirt on.

"Beth, what's going on? What's happening."

"The hunters they're gunna come back, they're preparing for a counter attack?" I tell him slipping a pair of boots on

"What do you mean counter attack?" He asks branding on to my shoulders and shaking them

"Jaccob, by counter attack, I mean a battle, fight, pain,-"

"So your telling me a fight." he says raising an eye brow

"No Jaccob, it's actually way more than that." I look straight into his eyes

"What's more than that?"

"Jaccob, what's more than that? War. that's what's more then that."

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