Chapter 38 pt. 1 of 3

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Beth POV

Staring at the sky takes away all the memories. the pain. the hard labor. Slave. that's how they they treat you.

1 year, that's how long it's been. since I've been rejected, beaten, accepted, put in a coma. Since I've been able to breath.

18 I'm a legal Adult. I can vote.

The pack has decided on the mates ball for today and make it a celebration . Only the unmated from my old pack is aloud to come.

"You ready?" Jacob says and lays down next to me.

"No I just want to lay here for a moment." I smile at him and he goes pack to the party preparations. he's new at thins considering for the past year that he's been alpha I've been the party planner.

I stare at the sky for 10 more minutes before heading up stairs.

I walk into my room and their is stuff everywhere. "what happened in here!" I tell at Jennifer and she looks at me

"What took you so long the ball starts in and hour and a half. go take a shower." she pushes me into the shower and locks the door before closing in. I step into the warm waves of hot water. after 15 minutes Jennifer's pounding on the door telling me to get out.

We dry my hair, do my make up, do my hair, and I finally get my dress on. It's a mascaraid, and at mid night everyone is to take off their mask and see who their mate is.

My dress is blue, large, and it makes me look like a princess. we put on a small tiara hair clip thing and tie the ribbon from the mask around my eyes.

"Ready birthday girl?" She asks smiling at me

"I think so." I breath out. and right on time I'm announced to the crowd.

I walk down the stairs hearing awws, and getting a happy birthday thrown in their everyone in a while.

They want the Alpha and the Luna sitting in these thrown's like royalty.

I take a seat in my chair and watch the night go by.

"Why hello, my-lady." Zayn says bowing and laughing and me laughing to.

"Hello." I say smiling finally a normal person.

"Would you care for a dance?" He asks putting his hand out

"I would love to." I take his hand and he guides my to the middle of the room.

His hand on my hip and my hand on his shoulder swaying back and forth.

I feel this weird tingly felling on my palm and pull it away immediately

"What was that?!" I whisper yell at him

"I can't tell you here." He whispers back.

"Well then let's get out if here." I pull him through the crowd and to Jacob.

I smile at him then grab his hand and drag them out to the wood lining

"What is it that you needed to tell me?" I ask him and interlock my fingers with Jacobs

"Why is he hear?" He whines

"If you have to tell me, he must know." I say with a straight face and Jacob nods

"Okay, uh, here it goes. when you were a baby you deprecated from your family not knowing what you were doing your wolf had an early control on you. She led you to this falls and my family was their. my brother and I found you. we picked you up and your eyes began to glow a bright white. then my brothers then me. a gold ring formed around us then blew up into shimmers indicating you were a relative of some sort. it turns out your dad had an affair with my mother and got her pregnant and didn't know it. and when she died my dad couldn't handle the pain so he died. so those tingles were a newly found relationship being form with our wolves. they were meeting and being happy to finally be with someone like us." he says explaining everything.

"Wow" I say dumbfounded

"Yeah wow."

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