Chapter 60 The War PT.1

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Beth POV

I hit my cuff against the bars,"Help! Somebody please help!" My strained voice voice cracks

"Oh shut the hell up! Now come on we have something to do." the man from two days ago yells. he unlocks the bars and opens them grabbing me by my cuffs.

"Can you at least tell me where I'm going?" I ask

"We are going to a room." he says bluntly

We walk around the corner and into a room.

The room has white walls and a bed with one of those hart monitors.

It also has needles filled with different serums all throughout the room. I swallow nothing as he pushes me into the bed and straps me to the bed.

"Nighty- night." he says with a sick smile putting a mask over my mouth causing my eyes to droop.

I look around before falling into darkness.


The the mans POV

After putting her to sleep I turn around and start to mix things together. I mix the control serum and the mind serum together making a serum where during the war today I will be able to control her fight with us. and the best part is they won't even know.

I'm going to cover her head to toe in armor and her scent will change once the serum reaches her heart.

I put the serum in a needle and inject it in the crock of her neck .

She jerks her head to the left as soon as I pull the needle out.

I step back and watch as she sits up and turns her feet dangling off the bed. Her eyes are open but looking straight at nothing.

"Stand up." I tell her and she jumps off the table and stands up straight still looking forward.

"It's time to fight in a war." I cross my arms and smile

"Yes, yes it is." she says with a droid-ish voice.

"And what are we fighting?" I ask her

"Werewolves. The enemy."

"Good girl. Move out to border lines." I say and she marches out the door and around the bend to the cave door.

We march through the woods as hunters gather behind us. Bows with silver tipped arrows. Titanium swords. Arrows dipped in wolves bane.

This is gonna be fun.


Beth POV

I must destroy the enemy. The enemy wants to ruin the human population.

"NO! stop this isn't you! wake up! you're gunna hurt a pack member! please for the love of the moongodess WAKE UP!" a voice inside of me yells srachting at my brian. i clutch my head with my hands and fall into a fatal position the ground around me bursting into flames.

the air becomes way colder than an average March air and heavy snow begins to fall. what the hell?

Stop. Listen to the master an d destroy all wolf population! a loud booming voice yells

"stop"! i yell shaking my head violent

"Sir, whats happening? i think she's waking up!" someone yells.

I feel a hard pain in the side of my head and i fall to the ground.

"Quit  fighting it Beth, you're are one of us now and you are under my commmand. you are not a wolf." and with tha he stick a large needle in my shoulder and a howl echos through my ead causing me to yell.

"SHHHH, it's gonna be alright." the man coos in my ear putting another needle in the crook of my neck.

my eyes widen and i start to loose control. A large ball like thing comes up my through and foams out of my mouth.

''Sir, is that suppose to happened?"

"NO some one grab her before-" he yells but I let out a howl and my eyes begin to glow a blood red and fur erupts from my cheeks, claws come out of my fingures, and my fands grow sharp. i turn aroun the foam stops coming out of my mouth and i turn to them.

I hear shouts and battle cries, and then it all stops.

"Beth is that you?" some one says from behind me and i turn around and growl and the person falls to his knees as if some one had died.

I turn my attention back to the Man who now has an nervous expression on his face. i  charge at him and jump shifting in mid air, I bit down hard on his chest ripping his armor and his shirt. I claw at his chest and blood starts to cover my paws. his head falls to the side and his final breath leaves his lips.

m eyes turn back to their normal color and my paws change back to hands almost immediately. But that's not whats weird, the weird part is I have a whole new pair of clothes on.

I put my hands out in front of me and move my fingers. What happened. I look at whats in front of me and i see a pale man smeared in blood. Dead.

I turn around and Jaccob and the rest of the pack is staring at me in Shock, or fear. Either way the looks can never be described.

"Jaccob? What did I do Where am I? Whats goign on?" i ask him standing on wobbly legs walking over to him and end u falling into his arms.

"I don't know, but Right now we're in war zone. So please Go back to the pack house a dgo to the doctors and tell them whats you did." he says leaning down with his hands  on  my shoulders saying everything so i understand.

"But Jaccob, What did I do?" i cant remember anything. The only thing I remember is picking up sticks then that's it its all fog.

"just go to the hospital and explain best you can." he says and he moves me behind him and the pack moves making an walk way.

I look at everyone one of my hands rubbing my arm while i walk.

Where did i go? What happened to that man? Did i kill him?

I just can't remember.

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