Chapter 72 Epilouge

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Beth POV 5 years later.

"I shouldn't make a big dal about this right, It's only a wedding right." I ask Jennifer and her mom as I stand in front of a mirror in my wedding dress. My stomach barely noticeable to the slight baby bump.

"Beth, This is a big deal, normal mates don't get married." Jennifer says putting a hand on re side of my shoulder.

"But we're not even going on a honey moon." I add as she hands me the bouquet of red roses.

"It doesn't matter, you two are actually getting married, you have your 3rd kid on the way, it's a big deal." Jennifer tells me and smooths out her bridesmaids dress.

"It's a pretty big deal, the only one of my children getting married." Ellie says (for those who can't remember that's Jaccobs mom)

"Hey!" Jennifer defends. I snicker in the corner.

"We better get downstairs the grooms men just walked down the isle." I tell them a bad we leave.

Jennifer and my other brides makes walk down the isle.

"Just like old times isn't it." Ryan says and takes my arm.

My daughter Avery walks down the isle dropping rose peddles as the music start to get louder.

"Are you ready for this." Ryan's whispers as we walk down the isle.

"Yeah," I breath out.

I see him standing there, at the end of what seems like hundreds of miles but in all reality is a few feet.

He smiles and I smile back. tears fill my eyes. This is happening in getting married.

Finally the end, Ryan kisses my cheek and gives me a smile and walks to his spot next to Jaccob.

I walk to my spot across from Jaccob, he takes my hands.

The wedding is a blur, I can't focus on what the priest is saying until he does the I Do's I can't even remembers what he says, I just say I Do.

"I now pronounce you Husband wife, you may kiss the bride." He says smiling.

Jaccob dips me down and kisses me with a passion I e never seen from him. I kiss him back with more passion then is possible.

When we break apart the whole pack cheers. Avery runs up the stairs and Jaccob picks her up and balances her on his hip. She smiles and puts her head into Jaccobs suit.

Mason stands next to me and smiles up at me and I smile down at him. We're a family.


The clearing behind the pack house is decorated with lights and a string quartet plays s nice melody in the corner. Stone slabs were placed over the grass for a dance floor. round tables were set to the side. And the kids in bed with the teenagers watching them. Could you ask for a better night.

"So how's my beautiful bride?" Jaccob asks as we rock side to side.

"I'm alright, I just got married. That was pretty fun." I smile.

"Oh really. That sounds great, so did I." he jokes and we both laugh.

"So what do you think the babies gonna be?" I ask him

"I think it'll be a girl." He replies putting his hands on my stomach.

"Really, I think it's a boy." I tell him.

"Well well just have to see I guess." He says.

"Okay," I laugh a little.

The tapping of a glass brings out attention to the stage.

"Excuse me, I would like to do a toast." Ryan says. Okay so I guess we're are doing speeches.

"I've been friends with Jaccob since I could talk, he's just a great guy. Heck I remember when he put a hole in the wall After I beat his score playing space invaders." A few people laugh and we head to our table.

"But really he's a really good person. I also remember The first day Beth came to the pack. She was so beaten and bruised it made my blood boil. But when she met Jaccob that first day he was back, I saw all the pain go away. It made me and I'm pretty sure all of you happy to know she would be with someone that would love her. They are the most beautiful family, and let's raise a glass for them, a family that spreads love and health were ever they go." he says raising his glass.

"To Beth and Jaccob." everyone cheers.

Once dinner is served and a few more speeches are said, people start to leave. To either tend to their kids or they have work tomorrow.

By 11:30 it's only us.

"The day couldn't have been longer." I say as we sit on the stairs outside of the house. I put my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around me pulling me closer to him.

"I know, But it was still a great day." He says kissing me on the head.

"You one to have one last dance." I ask him

"I would love to." he says and pulls me to my feet.

He goes over to the radio and turns to the classical station.

A soft song plays over the radio, the careful stun of harps, and violins, cellos play in the background, and violas play quiet.

"Can I have this dance my lady." he asks bowing down.

"You may." I say and take his hand.

We waltz over the empty dance floor. The chirp of crickets have gone away. Nothing can be heard but the melody on the radio.

The perfect way to end a perfect night.


Final Authors Note.

Guys it's over, I can't believe it's over.

I know it's really cliché to end with a wedding but I honestly didn't know how to end it.

And I know this chapter wasn't the best of chapters but it's technically bit the last chapter. Because of the next book.

I did come of with a name, It's The Kings Mate

I gave my 2 friends the book description and they loved it so I'm going to put the description and comment what you think.


Mason is King.... Well almost. But he's trying to get the role. But the only thing he need to get this amazing roll is a mate. And when he can't find his he starts to get worried.

Malia is a human, she moved from New York to Virginia. She will go to a school that consist of mainly werewolves. Which may be a little different from her old one where everyone is a human.

And when worlds collide and these two polar opposites meet, well you'll just have to read to find out


Okay so I hope it was okay but please comment what you think.

I have to thank you guys, I cannot fathom how thankful I am for this many reads. my terrible grammar and my horrible spelling.

So you guys are the true champs. I want to virtually give you an award for best readers. even though most of you didn't comment. I still love all of you for this.

But how about a final (kinda)





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