chapter 69

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Beth POV

"So Rachel, how old were when you first shifted?" Zayn asks pacing in the EO room (element office).

"I was 12 or 13." She replies looking at her thumbs

"Okay that's a normal age, have you had any serous illnesses in the past 10 years?" I ask looking at my clipboard.

"Um... yes. 4 years ago I had a slight bit of cancer in my left knee, but I had surgery and I kicked its but. So my wolf has been fighting it off any time it seems to appear." she says with a smile, I smile back at her.

"Well that's wonder full. You are free to go. Their will be a pack meeting at 4:30. It would be wonder full if you and your brother could be their by 4:15." I tell her and she nods.

"Okay thanks. We will be there. But um... I have a quick question? I know you guys take new comers out shopping so they get clothing and anything they might need. So when will my brother and I get to do that?" she asks looking at her thumbs nervousness in her voice.

"aw yes the shopping day. you will be going with Thomas, Carrie, James, and Baily.'' I tell her and she walks out the door muttering a thanks.

"So what do you think of the newbies?" I ask hopping up onto the black conference table.

"I think they need to go out in the world more, they seem like kittens meowing for their mother.'' he sighs grabbing a nutrition bar off the food self that was hidden in the wall.

"Yeah they d seem a little shy don't they," I pause and look at the clock and realize that I was suppose to take Mason 5 minutes ago, "Sorry to cut this fabulous conversation short but I have to go be a mother." say grabbing my bag and muttering a bye as I race down the hallway and up 2 floors. I run into the baby's rooms where Jaccob is trying to get mason to stop crying.

"Beth I don't know what to do he wont stop crying. I tried everything! I burped him, fed him, changed him, I don't know what else to do! He says souding like he's going to cry himself.

"Okay hand him to me." I say reacing my arms out and he hands me my baby.

''Ooo baby, please stop. mommies here. Okay. you are okay." I say bouncing him in my arms. His wails start to stop and he reaches his hand and I put my finger in his tiny hand and he grabs it.

He lets go of my hand and his eyes droop to a close. I set him in his grib and grab a baby sling thing and wrap it around my shoulder. I pick him up and carefully set him in wrapping a blue blanket around him. He snuggles closer into the warmth of my body.

I look down at him and rub my hand over his small tuft of hair, ''My baby boy."


"Okay, Every one please quiet down. We have some new pack members!" Jaccob says and instantly the crowd stops talking.

"This is Rachel and this is Joey." Jaccob says pointing to each member.

"Now onto other news," I say stepping forward,"The new pack house will be done by next month, So all of you non new mooners Pack you bags. You are leaving the day it is done. We don't want any lazy, obnoxious, no good for anything, wolves in this pack." I say sternly staring at Damen. He looks down at the floor.

Rachel comes close to my ear but before she can ask I answer,"Ill tell you later." She nods and Walks away.

"Anything else?" I ask turning to Jaccob.

"Nope. Meeting dismissed. Their are cookies at the diner." Jaccib sad with a smile.

"You want to get dinner?" I ask as I lace my fingered with Jaccob's

"Totally." he smiles and kisses the top of my head.


The diners more filled then anything I've ever seen. it was a miracle we even got a seat, well, booth.

The waitress comes back with our order of a rare steak, chicken salad, and a warm bottle of milk. because I'm too embarrassed to breast feed in public. I'm just still uncomfortable about... you know...

"Eat your num nums." I say helping him with his bottle and he drinks it happily.

I pour my dressing over my salad and nice it all around with my fork.

"So anything exciting going on. I noticed Zayn wasn't at the meeting today how come?" He asks cutting his steak and putting it in his mouth.

"He's at the Dark moon pack (is that what it's called? Oh well.) they are having a problem with whither rogues or hunters. so he's training them so they can fight back. Oh buddy, how's you get the milk all over your face." I say and wipe his mouth off with his bib.

"Oh well what about Conner he wasn't there either?"

"He's picking out furniture for the new pack house. Here is a picture." I tell him pulling up a picture of the mahogany wood beds and bed side tables. The maple wood coffee tables in the lounge. And finally and the lounge furniture. He nods not caring.

"Sorry I know you don't care but..."

"No. No, I care. But I jut couldn't stop looking at your eyes." he says smiling and I blush. Mason starts to cough and a bit of spit up comes out.

"Oops." I say willing off his mouth and I pick him up and begin to burp him.

"I'm not lying I could look into your eyes forever because I love you more and more every time I see them." he says.

Mason burps and I put him in his carrier and he falls asleep.

"I love you too." I tell him and the waitress sets down the check.

"I love you to the moon and back." he smiles

"Your are so corny." I laugh and put some cash down for the check.

"Am I? Am I really." he says leaning forward. And I laugh even more

"Your such an idiot." I throw my head back and shove his shoulder.

"But you love me." he says scrunching up his nose.

"Yeah I do." I say and he kisses my nose.

"You will always be my little red ridding hood." he says getting serious again.

"And you'll always be my big bad wolf."

-------------------(To lazy to fish the line)


Okay I'm extra sorry I didn't update on Tuesday. but I started this chapter on Tuesday.

But it's kinda long, it feels longer for me I guess because I wrote it and it took forever.

So I hope you liked it. I know it was boring. But sadly the story will only have 2-3 more chapters plus an epilogue. Then we will get new werewolf book with all the same characters but Mason will be the main character. so anyone can read it and not have to read this one if they don't want to.

So if you want, I need a title. so the story will be about Mason finding out who he is. A king. a mate. and a big brother.
So think that over.

But until then how about a



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