Chapter 8

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Damen POV a month later

It's been a month since Beth left and things are a mess

The pack is a mess, everyone's failing, the foods discussing considering no one knows how to cook. I broke up with my girl friend after the bite mark faded and now is just a scar in the crook of her neck

"Alpha?" I hear some one say and I look up

"Yes?" I ask it was Joseph the 3rd in command

"Britny set the kitchen on fire." he says scratching the back of his neck

"Again?" I wine and he nods his head

I hey up from my chair and go down stairs to see the microwave on fire

I grab the fire extinguisher and put the fire out and sigh

This house is going to crumble down on us without Beth.


Beth POV

My first month here was the best month of my life

I never have to cook I don't have clean it's the best!

But next month I become Luna and I have to become Jacob mate the same day and or the luna power won't be as strong and I'll be able to heal after again

"Beth! Let's go school starts in 15 minutes!" I hear Jennifer yell

I put my hair up in a messy bun and lace up my brown boots and grab my backpack and run out my door.

"Come on it's your first day and I don't want to be late!" she yells and ushers me out the door

"Okay, okay. don't get your panties up in a twist." I say and hop in her car and she speeds to school.

"Oh I forgot to tell you, we have to share the school with another pack because of something about them having problems." she says confused like she just got the information

"What pack." I say clutching onto my chair my old pack is only 6-7 hours from here and they could possibly go to the school

"Blue moon?" she says and I breath out in happiness it wasn't my old pack

She pulls into the paring lot and parks

She looks over to me and says," are you ready for your first day of high school?"

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