Chapter 68

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1 week later.

Beth POV

"Who's a cutie, huh, who? You are yes you are." I say in a baby voice as I bounce Mason up and down

"Hey," Jacob says coming into our room and kissing my forehead.

"Hey." I reply back and I look down at Mason who's eyes look up at his father.

"I'll take it from here. You have to go to a meeting." he says and takes Mason from my arms.

"Okay, see you later." I reply and I kiss his cheek.

"Bye Mason." I say closing the door and heading down the hallway.

We got home 5 days ago and I've been nothing but happy. I got to see my kitten again. And I got to do something without some one doing it for me, it felt awesome.

I enter the new ear meeting with the Fire, Water, Earth, and Air symbols on the double doors.

"Hey every one." I say and I fall into my comfy office chair.

"Hey Beth." they all say.

Connor takes his seat next to me and starts to lean back in his chair.

"Con, you're going to fall." I point out with a small laugh.

"No I'm not." he says as he almost looses his balance but gain it back.

"Uh huh. Well what is the topic of this meeting?" I ask and look around the room.

"The Dark Forrest pack is having trouble with roughes and we need to send some one down there to help and train." Zayn says looking through the papers.

"And then Next month the new pack house for your old pack is suppose to be done and we are having troubles with furniture." Dwaine adds and I nod my head.

"Well I think we should send you, Zayn to the Dark Forrest pack, and Co-"

"Hey Beth I need help, Mason won't stop crying." Jaccob says carrying a weeping Mason.

"Just rock him back and fourth, or feed him he's probably hungry." I tell him.


"Jaccob I can't do everything for him. So just try." I tell him and he mutters and okay and walks out the door.

"As I was saying Zayn you go to the Dark Forrest pack and Connor you go to the new pack and deal with furniture." I say.

"Also we have a small problem on border patrol and you need to check it out." Dwaine tells me looking on the monitor as two red dots appear on the screen.

"Dwaine you help me with this." I say and stand up jogging towards the door and stopping at the door my hand around the long handle bar,"Meeting dismissed."

We race down the hall ways and down the 2 flights of stairs and out side.

"You head in from the west I'll go into the east." I tell him and he nods changing into his wolf and running into that direction.

I run on my legs for a little bit longer before I change into my dark red almost brown wolf.

I find them. 2 roughed up wolfs one black with white ears and paws. The tip of his or her eat is missing.

The other one has a gray and white coat with a black ear.

I go behind a tree and shift back the clothes magically reappearing back onto my body.

Dwaine stands their with his arms crossed looking down at them with a questioning look.

"I think they're harmless. I mean look at them they look scared out of their minds." he says through pack link.

"I'm gonna tell them to shift." I reply back."

"Shift." I command and they reluctantly go behind a tree and shift.

A boy and a girl come out. roughly 16-17 years old.

I reach under a bush and hand the boy a pair of shorts and the girl a big shirt and shorts. they pull them on and turn back to us.

"Please help us. we've been running from our pack for weeks. and we can go any more. Please we don't mean any harm." The girl pleads. no heart race increase means no lie.

"Okay come with me." I say turning around and they follow.

"So what are your names?" I ask turning my head to look back.

"Um... I'm Rachel." the girl says

"And I'm Joey." the boy says

"Well welcome to the New Moon pack. I'm your Luna/ Alpha Beth." I tell them spreading my arms out as we enter the circle where the pack house stands.

"This will be your home, but first we have to run some test to make sure your telling the truth." Dwaine tells them.

"What kind of test." Joey asks running a hand through his black hair.

"Truth test, vital tests, and you have to get shots." I tell them the basics.

"Shots?" Rachel swallows

"Oh don't worry they don't hurt." I reassure her.

"Okay good." she says relieved.

"I hope you like it here." I tell them smiling.

2 more pack members. that makes 856 people to take care of, Plus a baby.

Oh boy,

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