Chapter 39 part 2 of 3

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Beth POV

I walk inside confused and frightened.

Everyone cheers. I look around then rush to the construction area. no ones aloud over here.

I sit down on a plank of wood and put my face in my hands. I start to cry off several reasons.

1- I'm pregnant
2- why do I deserve we've this life
3- I have more brothers that I didn't know about.

"Hey, you alright." Dwaine says spearing out if no where

"No." I say and suck up some snot into my nose.

"Well what's wrong baby sis?" He asks and sits next to me

"That! That's what's wrong! My life is such a mess. I carry bad luck. I've been beaten, in a coma, my mate rejected me, I almost died while vomiting, and I got in a car crash. tell me that doesn't sick with a straight face" I stare at him.

"Well uhh.." he scratches the back of his neck obviously out if works."That, uh, That really sucks I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. I- I just have bad luck. I think I'm gunna go down to the library." I stay wiping myself off my face with my hands and straitening out my dress

"Do you want me to come with you?" He says eagerly grabbing my arm sending tingles up my arm.

"If you want I just want to change." I leave construction and sneak up to my room.

I put on a pair of sweat pants a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. I pull on some ugh and slip down stairs.

I walk into the library and put a doller into the vending machine. And out comes my zebra cakes.

I open the package and grab a book. hm Looking For Alaska. soumds like a good book

I take a seat and start reading.

I'm about halfway through when the doors burst open and all 5 guards come barreling in. they form a circle around me and one comes right up to me.

"Beth, we are being attacked by hunters. we need to get you to safety." One says in a frantic voice

He grabs my arm and leads me to the corner of the library. he puts moves a book and puts a key into the key hole that was behind the book.

A painting swings open revealing a small crawl space that you could walk through.
I walk in ducking my head and one of the soldiers picks me up bridal style and starts running.

I recognize him as Ben 3rd in command.

He runs down about 12 flights of straits before he sets me on my feet.

We fast walk down a hallway. and guess what's at the end if this hallway. an elevator.

We get into the elevator and Ben hits the lowest level and we descend into darkness.

5 days later.

We've been stuck down here for 5 days.

I can't sleep. they have to force food down my throat.

I can't stop thinking about Jacob. he has to survive. I can't raise a child by myself and lead a pack.

I just want him to be okay

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