Chapter 67

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Song: Thinking out loud- Ed Sheeran

Beth POV

They banquet hall was beautiful!

It's had circular tables with pink roses in vases at the center piece. Fine China with like 15 spoons and forks. fancy Swan napkins. and Glasses that at started to sweat water.

A string quartet plays in the corner. A dance floor that could only be meant for a waltz sits in the center.

A huge chandelier hangs in the middle. The jewels shimmer and glisten as light reflects off of them.

Everyone is seated when we enter. I fix Mason in my arms as he sleeps soundly in my arms. He snuggles closer into my chest making me smile down at him

He wears a cute Onesie that has a little bow tie sewn into it. Jaccob wears a suit that must have cost hundreds of dollars. As for me I wear a floor length baby blue dress with a slight tint of a light purple mixed in. its strapless and has a small flower thingie around the torso part.

I take a seat next to the King and Queens daughter who can't even be 7 or 8 years old. As for their son he's about 13 or 14.

I place Mason in a Carrier that sits next to me and pull a small soft blanket over him.

The Kings stands up and the crowd silences so he can talk,"Everyone, thank you for coming to this very formal very fun event. Dinner will consist of a salad as a starter. Then we will move to the main course which is a steak with mashed potatoes and green beans. And finally for Deseret we will be having an 18 layered marble cake with a strawberry filling and chocolate drizzle." he says telling us about the delicious sounding foods that I will devour in seconds. What I'm hungry, I haven't eaten since like last night.

Soon waiters bring out the salad and we all dig in talking about small things and laughing a little.

After a good 15-20 minutes they bring out the steak. Which looks better than Zac Effron without a shirt.

I defiantly devoured this. I had it done before every one else I'm sure. But just in time. Mason starts to wake up and begins to cry. I pick him up and take him to the hallway.

I start to bounce him slightly in my arms in hope of him calming down.

"Hey, it's okay buddy. Mommas got you. Don't cry. shh. shhh" I coo to him.

I check his dipper and theirs no mess. Maybe he's hungry.

"Are you hungry buddy. Huh you want some num nums." I say in a hushed baby voice and enter an empty room with nothing but couches and a fire place in it.

I lock the door making sure that no was in here. I move my dress down and he feeds off of me. I guess he was hungry.

Soon he releases me and I out my dress back in it place and start to burp him which is thankfully a success.

He falls asleep again and I head back into the banquet hall setting him back down in his carrier.

"Is everything alright?" Jaccob whispers in my ear as a waitress sets a piece of cake down in front of me.

"Yeah, he was just hungry." I assure him and settle back into the chair and start to eat the cake.

It tastes like a little drop of heaven was mixed into the batter. I'm gonna miss this cake when we leave, which is in two days. So boo.

After everyone finishes Conversations break out and laughing could be heard from a mile away at our table I didn't know a King could be so funny.

"Please everyone come to the dance floor with your mates and enjoy a dance." A speaker says and I look at Jaccob with a smile.

He smiles back and then I frown,"Who's going to watch Mason?" I pout.

"I will. I would love to take care of your baby while you dance." The kIngs mother says sweetly from across me with an smile.

We looks at each other then nod,"Okay. Just don't do anything to hurt him please."

"No worries, I have 5 kids. I know how to handle a baby. Especially a
Cutie pie like him." she says looking at him from over the table.

"Thank you so much." Jaccob says and hands he the carrier which she sets down next to her and what he's Mason with loving eyes. She must have been a great mom.

"May I Have this dance." Jaccob asks his hand held out which I place mine into.

"You may." I say with a slight giggle and he leads me to the middle of the dance floor.

We sway to the sound of Violins, Violas, Bass' and Cellos. I place my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

What a wonderful day.

What a crazy day.

"I love you." Jeccob Whispers kissing my head.

"I love you to." I whisper back

We dance for the rest of the night until the dinners over.

We retrieve Mason and go to our room. I set Mason in the crib and change into a pair of sweat pants and I t-shirt.

I slip into bed and Jaccob wraps his arms around me. and write before I fall asleep he murmurs:

"I love you here, I love you there I love you in a plane or a train. I love you on the lake, I love you in a park. I'd love you if you were a cat or mouse. But, I love you here, I love you there, I love you every where."

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