Chapter 66

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Song: kid in love- Shawn Mendes

Beth POV

"Attention every one!" The Kings voice booms over the sound of the storm that's going on out side.

"We have two Alphas present from America. They Are are mates and no they are not both guys." He says and everyone laughs about the last part.

"May I present to you Mr. Jaccob Stone and Beth Stone." the King says over the laughing crowd with a smile.

I'm not even going to correct that because I like the way it sounds. Actually I love the way it sounds.

He grabs my hand and leads me to the front of the stage.

I put on a smirk and everyone claps. For what I don't know.

"Beth became the strongest wolf in America 3 weeks ago when her pack was being attacked by hunters. She was captured and she escaped. She fought and she won. This proves that even the weakest of girls or woman, can win a battle and become champions." The queen says.

I look behind me to Mason who's laying in a carrier sleeping. the carrier sits on a throne of its own. I smile and turn back to the crowd.

"Beth could you please share your story with every one." the Queen says stepping away from the microphone.

I mutter a sure and step in front of the microphone and I clear my throat.

"Uh, when I was around 6 or 7 my parents were murdered by rouges trying to protect me. When I told my old pack they shun me and told me it was my fault. My brother didn't talk to me or even look at me. Then thy made me do everything because of the death of the best warriors the pack has ever had. I became a maid. They also started to abuse me. I became a punching bag for almost 10 years. I found my first mate when I turned 17. He was the Alpha, and he rejected me." I pause as tears start to brim my eyes as u recall the memories.
"I ran away. I couldn't take it anymore and I ran away like the coward I was. I was a rouge for about 3 days before I got caught by Jaccobs father. He accepted me and I was accepted into their pack.
I met Jaccob and we learned that we were second chance mates a very rare thing. From there I started to get better.
But then my old mate had sexual tension with another girl. and with my condition it out me in a coma for 6 months." people from the audience gasped. I looked around and see woman with their hands on their chests with tears in their cheeks.

After that I had an air tank for 2 months. around 3 months I completed the mate bond with Jaccob and I became pregnant. and I had my son Mason with few bumps on the road. I learned I was the fire element and I found the other two elements. after I had my son a rouge was found on our territory. It was a young boy about 18 and he was an element. Air." I pause and swallow the spur that gathered in my mouth.

"We got news on a war and states to train as soon as possible. The day before the war I was captured and taken hostage. They drugged me into thinking that My pack was evil and I was to fight them. I was pulled out of the trance by Jaccob and we beat the hunters. And now here we are." I finish wiping the tears that were falling down my face.

The crowd breaks out in claps.

"That is the most inspirational thing I have ever heard in my life." The queen says.

She faces the crowd and raises her hands and they become silent immediately.

"I want all of you to listen here. Even the most fragile, weak, and scared can make it in this world. Their are plenty of bullies and people who will do anything to bring you down. But, only the right people can bring you up." she says.

She looks at me with a smile, brings me into her arms and hugs me tight.

"You made it." she whispers in my ear.

And I smile, I did make it.

I made it through all the shit

I made it through the pain

I made it even when I wanted to quit.

But most importantly I made it.


Please read

Okay so this was a very sting chapter giving a look at how Beth sums everything that happened in her life.

But I have a question, I pre-ordered the Shawn Mendes handwritten album in iTunes and I don't have all of the songs and u don't understand why. so if you know please tell me. Like seriously it's eating my insides.

Any way I would really like a





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