chapter 46

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Beth pov

I'm running through the fire filled woods. I turn around looking at the red, yellow, and orange flames.

i fall to my knees and begin to cry. "WHAT IS THIS! WHATS GOING ON!" i yell out into the burning earth. trees start to fall around all around me. until one starts to creek, I turn to look at it. but its to late to know which way its falling. It pushes me to the ground and crushes my ribs. i try to get it of me but i don't succeed. i let out a breath of air.Another tree falls right into the one laying across me. Crushing my wind pipe. I scream and yell. Hot tears stream down my cheeks. I yell for help but know one hears me. Black dots dance in my vision. i let out one final breath of air before im taken over with stings of pain in my lungs. my body goes numb. and the smoke surrounds me.

I wake with a start drenched in sweat. I look around frantically. I let out a breath of relief. I'm in my room.

I swing my legs over the bed. I walk down the hall and down the stairs. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge and gulp it down.

I go back into my room and change out of my wet clothing.

I put on a loose t-shirt and a sweat shirt. I put on yoga pants and hobble down to the lounge and lay down.

I turn on the TV and HIMYM is on. my favorite.

After about 4 episodes Jennifer walks in and sits on my legs

"Ow! Get off of me fat ass!" I yell at her

"I'm the fat ass? You look like you ate a beach ball." I can't wait till your fat and I can yell at you about it." she shrugs and moves to the other side f the couch and pouts. I mumble a few choice words and sit up. she smiles and sits next to me.

"What are we watching?" She asks smiling

"How I met your mother, duh." Like seriously when am I not watching this.

"Hm, nope not any more." she gets up and turn the tv off and turn to me and crosses her arms.

"We are having a girls day. meet me in the car in 10 minutes. I'm getting Avengeline." she says and walks away towards Avengelines room.

I struggle getting up but I finally do. out of breath I walk into the garage and sit in her car.

10 minutes pass and they finally they come out

Jennifer gets in the drivers seat and Avengeline gets in the back. we speed away.

We pass stores and restaurant, woods and houses. but finally we reach the mall. they help me out of the car.

We go to baby stores and buy cute little clothes and toys. the only thing I haven't done. we buy a maternity bag and other crap I may need for the hospital. we finally are done with all that then we go buy stuff for us.

I buy a few pregnancy shirts for myself and Jennifer. I start to buy regular clothes and shoes.

"Here I want you to try this on." I shove a blue dress at Jennifer.

"Why?" She asks her eye brows knit together

"Ju-" I stop mid sentence as I feel a pain in my stomach. I close my eyes tight and take a deep breath.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" They a ask surrounding me

"I-I don't know, but I think I need to go." I say and grit my teeth. they grab my arms and help me walk out of the mall

I let out a yell and they lay me down in the back of the car. Avengeline kneels on the floor and she tells me to breath

"I don't know if I can breath." I yell and throw my head back and groan.

"Just hold on were almost at the pack hospital." Jennifer says worried and steps farther onto the gas pedal and speeds forward.

I let put another yelp and she makes a sharp right turn and my head hits off the side of the car and I begin to loose conciseness.

"No! No! Beth you have to stay with me, you have to keep your eyes open!" Avengeline yells and grabs my head and tilts it

I fade away forgetting everything

---2 hours later

Jennifer POV

I pace out side of the hospital room biting at my nails. well what's left of them.

At least Jacobs in their with her. I door nob turn and the doctor comes out.

"Is she gonna be alright?" I ask and start to follow him to the desk.

"She will be okay, for now. it was a false alarm. happens all the time." He says and begins typing rapidly at his laptop

"Can I go in see her?" I ask him and let out a breath of relief.

"No, she needs her rest." he says and walks away from me.

I go and sit down in the waiting room.

My eyes become droopy and I fall asleep



okay i know that chapter was kinda shortish. but i want to change the baby boys name. so i will be taking requests in the comment and the one with the most replies or the one that i cant get out of my head. so pretty pretty please will you comment. because in the past nobody ever comment for the views choice things that i do for the chapters. (if their are large space's I'm sorry my computers having a spasm) anyway, i looked at the stats and the votes and comments have one down tremendously. is their something wrong with the chapters that i don't know about, cause if their is hen please tell me its concerning me.

well don't forget to comment errors and vote.

Bye :)


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