Chapter 16

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Beth POV 6 months later

The sound if a beeping wakes me up from my haze

I look around and I see white walls and a curtain

Machines are hook up to my arms and I breathing tube is hooked up to my nose

I look over to the side and a small table with a control thing. I press the button and I hear a ding

A doctor and a nurse come walking in

"Hello ms. Beth how are feeling?" He says and the nurse looks through my files at the end of my bed looking at the clock above my bed and writing stuff down on the clip board

"Good, why am I hear?" I ask

"Um well your other mate was doing done very bad stuff so you were feeling the pain. But while this was happening you began to cough out blood and your lungs began to fill with bold and water and you passed out.

We got the liquid out of your lungs, but your going to need an air tank for a little bit." he says with a sympathetic smile

"About how longs a little bit?" I ask and begin to rub my temples

"1 month." he says

"How long was I out?" I ask

"Your were in a coma for 6 months today." he says

"Wait, so I missed Christmas!" I yell but stop because the pounding in my head

"I'm sorry to say but y-" he's interrupted by Jacob coming into the room with a coffee tray with 2 cups of coffee

He stops when he sees me and drops the tray. he rushes to my side and he hugs me

I hear him cry. he's sobbing on my shoulder

"I missed you so much." he whispers while crying into my ear

"I thought I was going to lose you." he says and kisses my cheek making sparks erupt on my skin

"Alpha, can I speak to you for a minute?" The do yet says and Jacob nods his head

-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Jacob POV-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~

I walk out of the room following the doctor

"Well, what's the problem?" I asks him

" Their is no problem I just wanted to say that she's allowed to go home as soon as possible. but she will have to be in bed rest for 1 week. no physical activity or harsh movement. she will need her tank next to her at all times. Okay?" He informs me and I nod my head

When I walk back in the nurse ,Jackson, I think her name is and checking her vitals and taking the chords off her body

"You are free to go. and let me tell you, you have some serious fault in our stars crap going on girl, so um Hazel take it easy baby." she says jokingly and walks out of the room.

"You ready to get out of this joint." I ask her with my hands in my pocket

"Yeah I think so." she says making me smile

2 updates in a day I'm on fire!🌋

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