Chapter 34

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Beth POV 1 month later

Throwing things out if this fridge because I can't find any damn whip cream.

"Awww here it is." I pull it out shacking it. I put a dollop on my tongue then walk out of the kitchen.

after 4 months of being pregnant I've been getting weird cravings. like raw meat. or pineapple juice. And Jacob's been gracious enough to get me all this stuff.

I walk into the constriction area of the house. we decided on the game room first.

"Beth!" I turn around and see Ryan running after me.

I smile at him. "Yes dear Beta?" I put another dollop of whip cream in my mouth.

"Jacob want to take to the hardwood store. he's in the garage." he says out of breath

"Okay. thanks Ryan." I say and start to walk away but he stops me

"Give me the whip cream. you may have been discharged from the hospital but you have to take care of your baby and yourself included. so that's enough whip cream." he puts his hand out. I slap the bottle in his hand and stomp away

I walk into the car filled garage and find Jacob on his phone leaning on his car.

"Hey." I say and walk over to him.

"Hey." he turns his phone off and hugs me and I hug him back

"Sorry I didn't see you yesterday I had to make my contributes toon to the other packs new house that doesn't even have a frame yet." he says looking down at me. he kisses the top of my head and we hop in the car

"So why are we going to the hardware store? We got all the stuff for the cafe last week. the light brown paint ,hardwood floors, we ordered the booths tables and chairs. we got the stools. note pads. the doors, stoves scapulas, the menus are in the print shop, we-" he interrupts me

"We aren't going to the hardwood store. I told Ryan that because I didn't want him to know." he says with a straight face looking at the road

"Didn't want him to know what?" I ask

"I got you an ultrasound. but this is really early. but the doctors said it was okay." he says looking at me. I smile at him



"Beth?" The nurse says and we get up and follow her to room 4

"Okay you can lay down on that table there." the doctors says

I do as I'm told and lay on the paper covered table thing and Jacob sits next to me

"Okay can you lift your shirt up please?" The doctor says and I move my shirt to above the small bump.

"Okay I'm gunna put this sonography gel on you stomach okay, it's gunna be a bit cold." he explains and I nod my head. he spreads the light blue gel on my stomach then wipes his hand in a towel.

He grabs that scanner thing and puts it over the gel

He looks at the screens and starts to explain things to us.

"Umm the baby us growing a small bit faster then normal. but that could be because he has alpha blood. or just how the baby's reacting. This is the head, and theses are the feet." he explains pointing to the head and the feet.

"That's so cool." I say breathless

"Yeah. would you guys like the picture print out?" The doctor asks and we nod our heads

"Okay well I will be right back with those." he walk out and I look at Jacob smiling and tears of happiness threaten to fall

"Jacob, That's our son. That's the future Alpha." tears fall from my eyes and Jacob wipes them away smiling

I'm gunna be a mom.

I can't believe this is my life



Ta da!

Okay that's the Sunday Chapter!

Then next one is Tuesday! So I'll talk to you guys then.

Oh and f your wondering when those twins I mentioned earlier in the book will be in, they should be here on Tuesday.





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