Chapter 24

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Beth POV

I wake up and look around. I'm in the pack hospital. theirs an IV James in my arm, a breathing tube hooked to my nose, and I have that thing clipped to my finger to monitor my blood pressure.

"Beth, Beth, can you hear me?" I hear Jacob yelling. I look around and he's standing next to me with dark circles under his eyes.

"Jacob," I croak out my voice horse,"What happened? Why am I here?" I ask him and try to push myself in a sitting position but fail.

"After the Doctor injected you, she checked the baby and it seems totally fine. But then, she checked you. Beth your body has gone through so much pain from before, that's it's having a hard time adjusting to the baby. So the hospital has you on 24 hour watch incase anything happens." he explains to me rubbing circles on my hand

"Well when can I leave?" I ask

"You can leave in 6 months when the babies born, they don't want to take any chances." he says and I scootch over so he can sit with me (i had to change the months from 9 to 6 because so many of you were complaining. Like damn chill why does it matter)

"But I'm already 1 month in?"

"They want to keep you and the baby 1 month after everything's done." he says hopping in bed with me

"But why?" I look at him his bright green eyes glowing with hope, and fear.

"You know in twilight." (A/N spoiler ahead) "how Bella was to human for a vampire baby. and her back broke and she went into labor. then almost died." he says his voice shaky

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well they're scared that's what's going to happen to you. you back will break. your fragile body will give out and you'll..... You'll" he says but can't continue bitting his lip

"So what are going to do when I do go into labor?" I say I grasping my hand in his

"They are going to do a C section." he states running his hand through his hair.

"Oh" I respond looking out the window next to my bed.

I feel something move in my stomach and I groin holding my abdomen.

"Are you okay? Do I need to get the doctor?" He hops out of the bed but I grab his wrists

"No, it's just pain. the baby's just growing. he or she is barely a body." I smile reassuring him

"Okay, can I get you anything to eat?" He say putting his hands in his jean pockets

"A salad would be nice." I cock my head to the side and smile.

"Coming right up. and here's the remote, if you want to watch tv." he hands me the tv remote and walks out the door

"Thanks." I whisper

I turn the tv in and flip through the channels until I find Disney channel. Jesse my favorite.


Authors note:

Hey guys I know thus was short but it was just a filler to let you know what exactly happened.
And that's Shailene Woodly to the side/above 'she's not pregnant but she played a teen mom on The Secret Life Of The American Teenager.

Just to let you know.

Well bye my penguins 🐧

I don't really care about cites so just comment. I love comments

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