chapter 49

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Beth POV

They made me leave the hospital 4 hours ago. Take a breake thay said. go outside. they said. you look like a gost they said. But how can i go out side if its like 15 below zero! That's insane!

"Hunny just calm down." Jaccob says from behind me and starts to rub my shoulders

"How about we let the doctors do what they need to do. and we can go to a fancy dinner." he states and I nod my head

"Okay, that sounds good." I agree and we go to get ready.

I pull on a blue dress with black gladiator heels, a fake diamond heart necklace, and I make a smoky eye with a cat eye.

I knock on the room door from wear Jacob was getting ready and he opens the door. he's wearing a blazer with dress pants, a white dress shirt, and a black tie.

I look him up and down and he looks me up and down. I give him a small laugh. we link arms and walk down to the garage.

We get into someone's black Volvo and speed away.

"Where would you like to go?" He asks

"Um..... does lamonites sound good?"

"Yeah." he turn the corner to lamonites and parks

Lamonites is a fancy Italian restaurant with in a good price.

We walk in and do to it being a Tuesday, the place is dead.

The his test takes us to a table right under this big chandelier. she sets down 2 glasses of water and two menus.

"What should we get?" I ask him and look at my menu.

"I say we get a bottle of champaign, and gets chiefs choice." he says and I smile at him

"Like a bottle of stars." I raise my eye brow smiling

"Yeah, something like that." he says and starts to laugh

"So when did you watch The Fault in Our Stars?"

"Yesterday." he smiles and I start laughing. Grade A fanboy right here!

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress asks

"Yes, we would like a bottle of champaign and the chiefs choice." Jaccob tells her and she scribbles away on the order thing. she smiles then leaves to the kitchen

"So yesterday while I was at my meeting yesterday. We got a call from the king, he wants our pack to come to England and meet our son. And take 4 of his warriors." he tells me and I internally scream.

He's been wanting this forever. he's been making our warriors train non stop 7 hours 6 days a week. it's crazy. but it's all for this. the 4 best warriors in the wolf world.

"That's great news! I can't wait to meet them!" I say and the waitress brings us a bottle in a bucket if ice with 2 glasses and then leaves.

He opens the bottle and pours us each a glass.

"To use. for the craziest past 3 weeks. a child and now new warriors." we clink out glasses and take a sip.

"To us." I say smiling under my breath. To my wonderful family. my new family.



Ta da!

Okay who else didn't have school today because of weather 🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋🙋

It was like -15. brrrrr.

But year it's a smaller chapter but I just wanted to write something okay-ish.

But tell me what you thought





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