Chapter 19

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Beth POV the same one Minh later. No more air tank! Yay!

"Beth?" Jacob comes in whispering

"Yeah?" I say and and lift my self from my warm covers

"I have some bad news." he says and sits next to me

"What is it." I say worried

"Your old pack. the house burned down. and before you came about 59 years ago my grandpa signed a treaty with your alpha Grandpa that if anything were to happen to one of the packs the other would expand and great the other pack with open arms." he explains

"What are you saying?" I ask still groggily from just waking up.

"I'm saying that we have to share the land with your former pack." he says and I get up from the bed. I run out the door and into the woods I shift into my red wolf and sprint farther into the woods out to the pack line.

I silently let tears escape my eyes causing my fur to darken around my eyes.

Then it begins to drizzle, then pour. I walk around until I find a cave. I crawl inside and I shift. I put my clothes on that I had carried in my mouth.

I go into the rain and find sticks and moss.

I set the moss down in the corner of the cave. little note the cave is really small (A/N think of it as the cave Katniss and Peeta stayed in)

I put the sticks by the moss. I find a lighter in my shoe. how da hell did that get there?

Oh well, I start a fire and and sit in the damp miss. then my stomach grumbles.

I strip from my clothing and shift back into my wolf

I locate 4 squirrels and 2 chick monks. I skin them with my teeth then carry them back to my cave. I set them down and shift once again. but this time with great pain in my abdominal region.

Making me think to the events of about a week ago (a/n does little dance)

Right after I got the tank taken away and we got home. Jacob got a little excited and I list something that night that I can't ever get back(A/N sorry I don't like talking about stuff like this so let's just pretend you all know what I'm talking about. Kay? Kay.)

Oh god no, I'm only 17 what would my parents think if I was Pregnant. I look at my abdomen then put my hand to it.

What if their was a little girl or boy growing inside me, would that be so bad.

By now it's dark. I shake my thought away. and lay down on my moss and fall into a deep sleep with the soothing rain in the back round.

-time laps to morning-

I stomp on the coal of the fire and make my way out if the woods

I find a little corner store and go inside a bell ringing. a girl about 4 years older then me is working at the counter, Human.

I find woman essentials isle. I find a box that contain 2 pregnancy tests. I grab the box and go to the counter.

I set it down and the lady rings it up.

"$5.99" she says tired. I hand her money I find in my jacket that happens to be $7 and a packet of gum.

I put a strip of gum in my mouth and she hands me a bag with the box in it.

"Have a great day." she says

"You too," I say back and head across the street to a McDonald's.

I go straight to the bathroom and into a stall.

I read the direction on the box + mean yes and- means no.

Simple enough.

I pee on the stick and wait to minutes then I flip it over

"It's Positive." I whisper to myself.


A/N hey guys I know their were a lot of authors notes I this story but that's not important

I'm sorry if you think this is rushed this is all part of my plan for this book that will hopefully contain 50 chapters. so please be patient



And follow

Bye 😘

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